  • 學位論文


A Study on the Container Hinterlands of Kaohsiung Port

指導教授 : 陳春益


高雄港位於東亞區域樞紐位置、港闊水深、全年不結冰也不起霧,在90年代曾是全球第三大貨櫃港,但近年來全球貨櫃排名已退居十名之外,反觀其他四小龍所屬的港口仍名列前茅,其發展差異值得加以探討。 本研究從高雄港對應貨櫃的經濟腹地探討其發展潛力。一般而言,貨櫃港的經濟腹地可區分為陸向經濟腹地與海向經濟腹地,其中陸向經濟腹地與貨櫃港之進出口櫃有關,而海向經濟腹地可細分為近端與遠端經濟腹地,前者與貨櫃港之轉運櫃有關。本研究分以進出口櫃、轉運櫃之流向界定高雄港貨櫃的陸向經濟腹地與海向近端經濟腹地,並據以分析對應各類貨櫃的經濟腹地發展潛力。 研究結果顯示,高雄港對應近洋進出口櫃之陸向經濟腹地為嘉義以南之區域,而雲林地區則為高雄港與台中港的競爭腹地。至於對應遠洋進出口櫃之陸向經濟腹地,則涵蓋全台,不過未來將面臨與台北港競爭。由於我國產業朝向短小輕薄發展,進出口櫃量之成長有限,亦即高雄港陸向經濟腹地之發展潛力有限。 至於高雄港對應轉運櫃之海向近端經濟腹地則包括東南亞、東北亞、中國大陸等區域,然受限於兩岸通航協議之「一中」原則,因而中國大陸至高雄港轉運之貨櫃受到種種限制,亦即其發展潛力受限。至於屬新興區域的東南亞區域,現階段仍是高雄港轉運櫃量最大之海向近端經濟腹地,然該區域已成為航商主要競爭區域,復部分港口離高雄港有些距離,擬強化至高雄港轉運之努力需倍於以往,亦即高雄港海向近端經濟腹地之發展潛力不易提昇。 最後本研究引用Rodrigue & Notteboom (2010)所提出之「港口腹地區域化」相關措施,如強化與集貨港緊密串連,據以擴展高雄港之海向近端經濟腹地,然高雄港受政治(如「一中」)、經營(如貨櫃碼頭多由航商承租)、與地理(如離集貨港過遠)等因素之影響,因而「港口腹地區域化」的效益無法有效展現。易言之,未來高雄港不易大幅增加貨櫃裝卸量,宜考量朝向增加附加價值的方向發展。


In the 1990s, Kaohsiung Port was the world's third largest container port. However, in recent years she has been ranked behind the tenth. This study makes an attempt to explore the reasons from hinterland points of view. In general, hinterlands of container ports with the broad definition can be divided into hinterlands and forelands. The former have related to import/export containers. The latter can be subdivided into proximal forelands and distal forelands. The proximal forelands have related to transshipment containers. This study makes use of statistics data of import/export containers as well as transshipment containers to define the hinterland and the proximal foreland of Kaohsiung Port respectively and also to analyze the development potential of them. The study results show that corresponding to the near-sea import/export containers, the hinterland of Kaohsiung port covers from Chiayi to Pingtung. Yunlin area is the competition hinterland of Kaohsiung port and Taichung Port. Corresponding to the ocean-going import/export containers, the hinterland of Kaohsiung port covers the whole Taiwan area. However, it will face competition from Taipei Port. Since the development of Taiwan’s industry has been structurally changed, there is a limited growth of import/export container volume. That’s, the hinterland of Kaohsiung Port has limited development potential. Corresponding to transshipment containers, the major proximal forelands of Kaohsiung Port are Southeast Asia and Mainland China. However, the Cross-strait Shipping Agreement is subject to the "One China" policy. Therefore, the transshipment containers of Kaohsiung Port from Mainland China subject to lots of limitations. That’s, Mainland China is a limited potential proximal foreland for Kaohsiung Port. As an emerging region of South-East Asia, it is still producing the largest volume of transshipment containers for Kaohsiung Port at this stage. Nevertheless, this region has become a major competitive region among carriers. Furthermore, ports in this region may have some distance from Kaohsiung Port. It may not be easy for Kaohsiung Port to obtain more transshipment containers from South-East Asia. In other words, the development potential of the proximal foreland of Kaohsiung Port is not easy to upgrade. Finally, this study has attempted to employ the port regionalization strategies proposed by Rodrigue & Notteboom (2010) to develop strong functional links with feeder ports to increase volume of transshipment containers from forelands of Kaohsiung Port. However, Kaohsiung Port is facing some barriers, including politics aspect (such as "one-China" policy), business model aspect (such as most of container terminals leased by carriers) and geographic aspect (such as too far from feeder ports). Thus, implementing port regionalization strategies may not have effectively outcomes. In other words, it is not easy for Kaohsiung Port to substantially increase container handling volume from her hinterlands as well as forelands. She should find some other approaches to have more value added services, instead.


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