  • 學位論文


A Study on the Relationships among Power Bases, Leadership Effectiveness andob Satisfaction—Military Cadresof Army Recruit Training Centeras an Example

指導教授 : 曾信超


民主與全球化的趨勢發展,帶動國內多元化社會的發展,台灣近幾年也陷入意識形態的對立與內耗的窘境,領導與工作滿足在這個變動環境中,更顯得迫切與重要。因此,塑造優質的軍隊領導統御亦更顯得重要。 本研究以權力基礎、領導效能及工作滿足相關理論為研究範圍,以陸軍新訓部隊的軍、士官幹部為研究對象,經由 SPSS 19.0 以及AMOS5.0統計分析軟體進行實證,最後以敘述性統計、因素分析、信度分析、效度分析、迴歸分析及結構性方程模式分析等方法進行資料分析處理,具體之研究成果歸納如下: 一、不同的人口統計變項在各構面因素上有顯著差異。其中性別、軍事教育、階級、服務年資及官科別等,在權力基礎構面上有顯著性差異;性別、軍事教育、階級、服務年資及官科別等,在領導效能構面上有顯著性差異;年齡、婚姻狀況、軍事教育、階級、服務年資及官科別等,在工作滿足構面上有顯著性差異。 二、權力基礎與領導效能及工作滿足,彼此間有顯著相關及影響。 三、領導效能對權力基礎與工作滿足具有部分中介效果。 四、「非常備」志願役軍士官的工作滿足偏低。 最後提出具體建議供陸軍高階管理者及後續研究者之參考。


The trend of democracy and globalizationtriggers the development of plural society all around the world. Under these circumstances, the society of Taiwan has been suffering from a dilemma of ideological confrontation and depletion for years. In this fluctuating environment, leadership and job satisfaction are in both crucial and imperious demands. Undoubtedly, it is relatively important to build up excellent leaderships in the military. This study aims to discuss the power bases, leadership effectiveness and job satisfaction of themilitarycadres in the Armyrecruit training center in southern Taiwan. The research data collected are analyzedthroughstatistics software packages, SPSS 19.0 and AMOS 5.0, to get meaningful information in terms of descriptive statistics, factor analysis, reliability analysis, validity analysis, regression analysis, and structural equation modeling. The findings of the study are as follows: 1.Different demographic variables have significant differences in each factor. Among which, both power bases and leadershipeffectivenesshave significant differences in gender, military education,rank, length of service and branches. As for job satisfaction, suchsignificance shows only in age, marriage, military education,ranklength of service and branches. 2.There are significant correlation between power basesand leadershipeffectiveness. 3.Leadership effectiveness has partial mediating effect tojobsatisfaction. 4.Volunteer military cadres still beyond their tenure are prone to lowerjob satisfaction. Suggestions are offered to the ranking officers in the Army and those who delight to keep studying on this issue.


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