  • 學位論文


A Comparative Study of Verbs of Hitting in Taiwan Hakka, Mandarin, and Southern Min

指導教授 : 曹逢甫


本論文採用賴惠玲(2003)所提出的《客語「打」類動詞詞彙化型式》論文之理論架構來探討臺灣閩南語、臺灣客家語和華語在「打」類動詞中之特性及差異性,主要以臺灣閩南語為主,臺灣華語、臺灣客家話為輔,做更深入的探討,並根據教育部所編《臺灣客家語常用詞辭典》、《臺灣閩南語常用詞辭典》及《重編國語辭典修訂本》為語料取材出處, 我們發現「打」類動詞以閩南語的字彙呈現為最多,次多為客家語,華語最少。從語料中,我們將這些「打」類動詞,依使用的工具分為兩大類—以手為工具和以其他為工具,以手為工具我們又次分類為兩部分—手掌、拳頭或手指,以其他為工具,我們次分類為細長物和粗重物。在賴惠玲的研究中說明客家語的「打」類動詞是屬於Talmy(1985, 1991, 2000)架構下的第三類動詞型式,而閩南語、客家語和華語除了符合賴惠玲所主張的三個特性外,本文另歸納了閩南語的「打」類動詞詞彙所隱含的語意有三點特性:1、這些動詞在執行「打」動作時,有特定的使用工具、特定的對象,而且不可任意替換;2、雖使是屬於同一工具分類的這些動詞,其動作所呈現的力道亦有不同等級的差別;3、這些動詞還隱含了動作的路徑及方向性。 本論文另一個重要論述是在討論為何閩南語和客家語所擁有「打」類動詞的數量如此之多及其形容「打」動作細緻程度的原因,我們推測出造成的原因可能是因地理環境的限制和歷史背景發展的關係,因此,語言不但是人類用來溝通、適應環境的工具,更反應出居住在同一區域的人的信仰和價值觀,記載著他們文化裡相對重要的東西。 關鍵詞: 「打」類動詞、臺灣閩南語、臺灣客家語、華語、語言與文化認知與行為


Abstrcat Adopting the theoretical framework of Lai Huei-Ling’s the Lexicalization Patterns of Verbs of Hitting in Hakka(2003), this thesis attempts to discuss the differences and characteristics of the lexicalized verbs of hitting in Taiwan Hakka, Mandarin, and Taiwanese Southern Min. The amount of near synonymous verbs of hitting is similar in Taiwan Hakka and Taiwanese Southern Min. We then divide these verbs into two major categories—those performing actions with hands and those performing actions with other instruments. In the first category, there are further subdivisions, depending on the part of the hand that is used. Within the second category, there are two kinds of instruments involved—either by things that are long, thin, and light such as whips or by things that are thick and heavy such as sticks. This paper not only reviews the corpora of Lai and her three main claims about Taiwan Hakka but also goes into a detailed examination of the corresponding properties of Mandarin and Taiwanese Southern Min and makes a general comparison of the three. Finally, this paper speculates why the number of verbs of hitting in Taiwan Hakka is very similar to that of Taiwanese Southern Min and both differ considerably from that of Mandarin. . We speculate that the cause may be due to the geographical environment and historical background. Therefore, language not only is a tool which humans used to communicate but also reflects the thoughts and behavior of the people living in the same area and is primarily responsible for how we perceive and interpret the world. KEY WORDS : the verbs of hitting, Taiwan Hakka, Mandarin, Taiwanese Southern Min, languages and culture perception and behavior, lexicalized implicature


Holmes, Janet. 2013. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics, 4th ed. Harlow, England:
Pearson Education, 342-362.
