  • 學位論文


Analysis of Voice Coil Actuator for Reciprocating Vibration

指導教授 : 王培仁


摘 要 在經濟蓬勃發展之現代社會下,人們對於口腔清潔的需求也越來越重視,因此使用模擬往復振動之清潔動作成為致動器研究之重點。本研究首先研究音圈致動器(Voice Coil Actuators)種類、磁路設計原理、相關應用以及專利。並針對商用產品之機構及驅動方式進行研究,嘗試進行設計致動器以減少體積與消耗功率。新型致動器採用動圈式磁路進行設計與分析,在相同輸出功率下,相較於待測致動器具有體積小,線圈匝數少及消耗功率小等優點。 為模擬致動器的動態擺動情形,本研究針對現有之產品進行觀察、量測、分析及模擬,依步驟測量致動器尺寸、找出永磁極性與量測電氣參數,完成細部環境參數設計,並且使用電腦輔助模擬軟體進行模擬動態輸出振幅。確認待測設計後,進行新型致動器設計,選定永磁與矽鋼片材料後,同樣使用電腦輔助模擬分析軟體達成預定振幅,最後加工致動器、組裝機構以及測試,期能在預定致動器規格下達到節能與縮小體積的要求。


Abstract In modern society with fast growing economy, people are more demanding in oral hygiene leading to the research in simulation of reciprocated vibrational cleaning actuators. In this thesis, the primary objective is to study the category based on operational principle, design of magnetic circuits, relevant applications and intellectual properties of voice-coil actuators. Aiming at commercial products for benchmarked test samples, the study of mechanism and driving methods have been conducted with later emphasis on design of new actuators so that bulk volume and input power can be reduced. The new actuator has adopted moving-coil structure to be the target of design and analysis which gives smaller volume, winding turns, and power compared to the commercial one. To simulate the vibrational condition of actuator, this study have experimentally measured and recorded the size, electrical parameters and the polarity of the magnet from the commercial one. Then, appropriate parameters of the actuator can simulate the vibrational conditions of the actuator. After the benchmarked study process, new design has given a novel actuator based on material properties of permanent magnet and geometric dimensions of core with final manufacture, assembly and test of the actuator with appropriate driving situations.


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