  • 學位論文


Third-Party Logistics Selection of Wafer Fab. Industry

指導教授 : 林則孟


晶圓製造業是一個貿易依存度相當高的產業,其搜源、製造、運送皆高度全球化,其所形成的半導體製造業物流競爭市場亦相當特殊,本研究即以晶圓製造業的物流需求目標及科學園區的物流競爭環境為切入點,分析其高科技物流業的產業特性,根據實務訪查及文獻回顧,得知高科技物流業者具有寡占競爭市場的競爭行為及特性,故引用經濟學寡占市場的模型來分析園區高科技物流業的特性及競爭行為,並據此行為特性決定晶圓製造業的物流評選方式。 一般物流服務供應商的評選模組不外乎品質、e化的能力、服務、交期、成本等等,園區的高科技物流業在過去十年大吞小、快吞慢的整併潮流之下,只剩五分之一的廠家存活,本研究以晶圓製造業的所面臨的競爭環境及與物流合作模式為考量,增加物流商無形因素的評選因子,包含財務穩定度、營利能力、業界的知識及經驗、國際觀等無形的考量因子,在確立第三方物流的評選因子之後,藉由層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process,AHP)與專家訪談,演算出其評選權重,發現成本因素的重要性已遠超過案例A公司現行評選權重。另因過去十年,園區物流商經過激烈的競爭及整併之後,本研究所增加無形因素的評選因子,所占的權重亦相當高,甚至超過物流商e化能力的評選因子,藉此修正晶圓製造業A公司的物流評選模式,給予實務與學術界一份具實證與參考價值之研究報告。


The Logistics of Wafer Fab. is a highly trade-dependent; all the source, make and delivery have been highly-globalized. The competition environment of Logistics market in Wafer Fabs. is very special and unique accordingly. This research is to analyze the industrial characteristic of third-party logistics in High-Tech Industry and to structure the selection model. We start the analysis from the objectives of Wafer Fab. Logistics and end up with the competition environment of Logistics in Science-Based Industrial Park. This research adopts economics Oligopoly Model as the structure to analyze the characteristics and competitive behaviors of Logistics providers in High Tech Industry. While selecting the logistics service providers, the criteria used to be Quality, E Capability, Service, Delivery and Cost, etc. However, there was a serious of merger happened in the Logistics service providers during the past decade. The merger trend is that the bigger logistics providers merged the smaller ones and the fast-speed logistics service providers merged the slow-speed ones. After the merger, there was only one-fifth Third-party logistics providers survived in the Hsin-Chu Science-Based Industrial Park. In this research, we increased the selection factor of Intangibles based on the competition environment and logistics co-wok model toward Wafer Fabs. The intangibles criterion includes the factors of financial stability, profit, industrial experience and knowledge, globalization, etc. After confirmed the selection criteria of Third-party logistics providers, we modified the selection rating and model according to the results of Analytic Hierarchy Process and the expertise interview. Moreover, we found the intangibles factor is more important than E Capability factor in the Analytic Hierarchy Process results of the survey. We hope to provide a valuable and verified research for the reference of enterprise and academic field.


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