  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 陳建忠


摘 要 在這論文當中,達德拉凡‧伊苞的特色在於他們生命經驗與書寫相呼應,透過《老鷹,再見》思考個人生死的命題以及與社會對話的位置,而自處於當代中該如何適應不同的生命軌跡;董恕明《紀念品》、《纏來纏去》兩本詩歌作品展現出其對文學作品的精神,顛覆其傳統中文的訓練,翻轉文字的可能性,透過書寫達到展現自我的可能性;阿綺骨《安娜‧禁忌‧門》中,身分被遠拋在創作之後,透過當代的文學風格,展現出原住民書寫風格的另一面向,從我族我群的思考,轉向到普世性的個人議題。 筆者的非典型奠基於孫大川的「身分論」以及董恕明的「非典型」之上,對於原住民文學的「非典型」定義為「創作者本身具有原住民身分,但是文本所承載的空間已看不見部落,或者不以部落為主要的空間;文本的主題思想從我族我群的意義,以個人與現代的生命經驗為主,可以呈現多元的題材,如性別、旅行、鄉土……等。 透過三位女作家的作品討論,所帶出的非典型書寫意義,展現出原住民文學並非只能寫傳統神話、弱勢抗議、山林海洋的文學,則是可以挑戰其他的主題,展現多樣內容思想,透過文學表現豐富原住民文學的樣貌,在社會發展的軌跡中藉由文學書寫,展現當代原住民的生活情境以及圖像。 關鍵詞:非典型、原住民文學、達德拉凡‧伊苞《老鷹,再見》、董恕明《紀念品》、《纏來纏去》、阿綺骨《安娜‧禁忌‧門》


Abstract In this thesis, Dadelavan Ibau’s characteristic is the response between their life experience and writing. By “Eagle, good bye”, she thinks the topic of personal life and death as well as the position of society communication. Furthermore, she thinks how to adapt different life trace in the present age. Dong, Shu-Ming’s “Souvenir” and “Winding” two poetry works show her spirit on literature composition. She overthrows the training of traditional Chinese language and probability of reverse words by writing to reach probability of showing self. In Achigu’s “Anna, Ban, Door”, the status is threw far from creation. By present literature style, it shows the other mode of aboriginal writing style turning from my race thinking to ordinary personal theme. The author’s atypical is based on Suen, Da-Chuan’s(Paelabang danapan) “Status theory” and Dong, Shu-Ming’s “Atypical”. The atypical of aboriginal literature is defined as below. Although creators themselves have aboriginal status, tribe has not been seen in space described in books or tribe is not the main space. The topic thinking in books is from the meaning of my race. It can perform multiple subjects such as gender, travel, native soil and so on based on personal and modern life experience. By the discussion of three female writer’s compositions, atypical writing meaning is taken out. It shows that aboriginal literature is not only writing traditional myth, minority protest and literature of hill and ocean, but also challenging other topic to write different content thinking. They express more probability of aboriginal literature by writing. They show present aboriginal life situation and images by literature writing in society development trace. Key words: Atypical, Aboriginal literature, Dadelavan Ibau “Eagle, good bye”, Dong, Shu-Ming “Souvenir” and “Winding”, Achigu “Anna, Ban, Door”




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