  • 學位論文


An Investigation of Multilevel Relationship between High-commitment HRM and Work Outcomes: The Mediating Effect of Psychological Ownership and

指導教授 : 江旭新


全球企業持續關注的議題是企業社會責任的永續發展理念,企業社會責任最核心的是組織對員工的責任,組織透過高承諾人力資源管理措施與員工建立長期的交換關係,員工為實現組織目標而努力工作,組織透過管理措施回饋員工的期待(Boon & Kalshoven, 2014)。高承諾人力資源管理措施包含招募及甄選、訓練發展、績效管理、激勵、高薪酬、員工福利、員工參與等措施,與員工工作結果呈正向關係(Collins & Smith, 2006; Kwon, Bae, & Lawler, 2010; Nishii, Lepak, & Schneider, 2008)。員工對組織目標發展出自身心理經驗的正向感覺,且受組織環境因素影響,激發組織內員工積極正向的工作態度與工作行為,進而提高組織績效(Van Dyne & Pierce, 2004)。   本研究的研究對象為光電產業的在職員工,採用跨層次分析方法驗證高承諾人力資源管理、工作結果、心理擁有感及內外控人格之間的關係。問卷發放共520份,收回問卷485份,收回率93.3%。分析結果發現:1.高承諾人力資源管理與心理擁有感具有正向影響關係;2.高承諾人力資源管理與工作結果具正向影響關係;3.心理擁有感與工作結果具正向影響關係;4.心理擁有感在高承諾人力資源管理與工作結果間具完全中介效果;5. 外控人格在心理擁有感與工作結果間具調節效果。   本研究意涵為:1.實施高承諾人力資源管理可使員工感受到心理擁有感,員工認同組織並展現正向工作結果;2.心理擁有感在高承諾人力資源管理和工作結果間扮演中介角色;3.外控人格可以強化心理擁有感和工作結果之關係。內控人格傾向者認為成功是靠自己的能力努力得來,外控人格傾向的員工則須提供高承諾人力資源管理措施,員工知覺獲得正面鼓舞,而與組織產生互利共生的依存關係與心理依附感,進而增進員工的工作結果。組織層次的高承諾人力資源管理正向影響員工層次的心理擁有感與工作結果,顯示高承諾人力資源管理會使組織成員對組織產生認同感及與歸屬感,並認為自己是組織內的一份子,並與組織息息相關而產生責任感和效能感,組織可以留住優秀員工一起創造高績效,組織得以永續經營,並將成果回饋社會,實現企業社會責任的理念。


The sustainable development of corporate social responsibility is the subject of continuing concern of global business. Taking care of employees is the core of corporate social responsibility. An organization establishes a long-term exchange relationship with employees through high-commitment human resource management. Employees work hard to achieve organizational goals, and the organization gives feedbacks to employees through managerial practices (Boon & Kalshoven, 2014). High-commitment HRM includes recruitment, selection, training, development, performance appraisal, incentive, compensation, benefits, and employee participation, all of which are significantly related to employee work outcomes (Collins & Smith, 2006; Kwon, Bae, & Lawler, 2010; Nishii, Lepak, & Schneider, 2008). The development of positive employees’ psychological experience which is affected environmental factors facilitates employees to have positive attitude and behavior in order to improve organizational performance. This study collected data from employees of optoelectronic industry, hierarchical linear modeling is utilized to examine relationships among high-commitment human resource management, work outcomes, psychological ownership and locus of control. 520 questionnaires were distributed, and 485 questionnaires were responded, showing the response rate is 93.3%. The findings of this study include: 1.There is a positive relationship between high commitment human resource management and psychological ownership. 2. High-commitment human resource management positively affects work outcomes. 3. There is a positive relationship between psychological ownership and work outcomes. 4. Psychological ownership mediates the relationship between high-commitment HRM and work outcomes. 5. External personality trait moderates the relationship between psychological ownership and work outcomes. The implication of this research includes:1.The implementation of high-commitment HRM makes employees produce psychological ownership, identify the organization, and improve work outcomes. 2. Psychological ownership is the mediator in the relationship between high-commitment HRM and work outcomes. 3. External locus of control can strengthen the relationship between psychological ownership and work outcomes. Compare to internal locus of control, employees with external locus of control feel they improve their work outcomes by high-commitment human resource management. High-commitment HRM make employees have a sense of positive encouragement and produce interdependent relationship and psychological attachment with the organization, improving employee work outcomes. The organization-level effect of results of high-commitment HRM of psychological ownership and work outcomes, showing high-commitment HRM makes employees produce feelings of identification and belongingness. These employees think they are organizational insiders, producing feelings of responsibility and effectiveness. Therefore, an organization makes employees produce intention to stay, enhance organizational performance and give positive feedbacks to society, thus fulfilling concepts of corporate social responsibility.


林志哲(2014)。感恩、社會支持及幸福感之研究:中介效果模式之驗證. 中華心理衛生學刊,27(3),453-482。
