  • 學位論文


The Limitation of Copyright Protection on the Internet:A Comparative Study of U.S. DMCA & Taiwan's Fair Use Provision

指導教授 : 馮震宇


著作權法之立法目的,除了獎勵著作權人之創作外,亦負有文化上之目的---促進知識之流通與文化之傳承,因此世界各國之著作權法制中均就著作權人之權利加以適度的限制,以平衡著作權人與著作利用人間之利益衝突。美國於一九七六年著作權法修正時,將判例法所創造出來的合理使用原則正式成文化,並規定於美國著作權法第一○七條,除提供四點判斷標準之外,美國司法機關更運用司法解釋的方式,配合社會與科技的發展,賦予合理使用新的意義與生命,也使得合理使用成為美國著作權法中最重要的原則之一,更是判斷著作權侵害與否的核心。 在面對各種新興科技迅速發展,著作權法制亦隨之不斷的擴充保護範圍、增訂保護標的,以因應科技革新對著作權人權益所生衝擊之同時,法院即成為應如何解讀著作權法之仲裁人,但仍應以致力求取保護著作權人之經濟私益,與增進社會大眾智識之公益間之平衡為宗旨,因此合理使用原則即在美國司法判例的累積下不斷演進,以符合社會大眾藉由各種新興科技而對有著作權著作為利用的需要。 我國著作權法亦對於著作權人之權利設有若干限制,雖在立法上係參酌德、日立法例,明定第四十四條至第六十五條為「著作財產權之限制」,然其中第六十五條之規定則係參考美國著作權法第一○七條,將合理使用之四項要素予以驢列,以作為利用行為是否合理之判斷標準,本文即根據美國著作權法之法制與實務,以案例分析之方式探究合理使用原則之發展與適用問題,做為釐清我國對合理使用疑義之參考。 再者,美國為履行WCT及WPPT二條約之義務,通過了「一九九八年數位千禧年著作權法案」(The Digital Millenium Copyright Act of 1998;DMCA),為避免著作權人之權益在網路環境下受到不當之侵害,DMCA法案第一二○一條「反規避條款」禁止規避著作權人用以保護其數位化著作之科技保護措施,然此舉實際上即賦予著作權人一項新的權利:「接觸權」,引起美國各界對於未來恐將成為”記次付費”(Pay-Per-Use)的世界,並導致合理使用原則蕩然無存之憂慮。而在我國欲跟隨世界潮流而修正著作權法之際,該等科技保護措施之議題亦成為修法之重點,本文亦針對此一議題做詳盡之介紹及分析,並提出修法建議,以期供作立法者在修正我國著作權法時之參考。


The fundamental idea of copyright law is not only to motivate the creativity of authors, but also to pursue the intended culture goals—to circulate and encourage the knowledge exchanges and the inheritances from the cultural developments. Hence, in order to balance the conflicts of interests between the copyright owners and the pubic, almost every country has put proportional limitations on copyrights. In 1967, the Fair Use doctrine was formally embodied in section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Act, which can be used as a basic rule to determine the legitimacy of fair use. In addition to that, the U.S. courts and legislatures also further exercise their power to interpret and extend the fair use doctrine, in accordance with the social and technological developments. There are also several statutory limitations imposed on copyright owners in Taiwan’s copyright law. Art. 44 to 65 of the Copyright Act clearly state the “ Limitations on Property Rights of Copyright”. Nevertheless, the Art. 65 in this law are literarily referred to the similar provisions in Sec. 107 of the U.S. copyright law, which enumerate four standards to review the legitimacy of fair use. Therefore, in clarifying and resolving the doubts, which are occurred from the fair use applications under the Taiwanese Copyright law, this thesis will focus on the developments and applications of fair use doctrine in US. Copyright law, and also concentrate on the analyses of fair use related cases in U.S.. Furthermore, in implementing the WCT and WPPT agreements, the US. Legislatures promulgated “The Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998; DMCA”. In Sec. 1201 of this act, the “Anti-circumvention” provision, specifically prohibit anyone from circumventing the technological measures, which are imposed by copyright owners in order to protect their digital copyrighted works. However, this legislation in fact creates a whole new legal right for copyright owners—“The Access Right”. As a result, this legislation also provokes the public fears of “Pay-Per-Use” world in the near future, and raises the concerns of the possible evaporation of fair use doctrine in U.S law. Accordingly, this controversial issue will definitely become a major issue in Taiwan, particularly, when the legislators are reviewing the copyright law legislations in order to cope with the world trend in terms of copyright law legislation. Therefore, this thesis also aims to elaborately research on this controversial issue, and attempts to address the possible resolutions and directions for legislators in Taiwan.


anticircunvention fair use DMCA copyright


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李湘雲(2004)。著 作 鄰 接 權 制 度 之 研 究 —以日本著作鄰接權制度為研究經緯〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu200400010
