  • 學位論文


Spatial Market Integration on the Internet:Selected Computer Periphery Retail Markets in Taiwan and United States

指導教授 : 楊奕農


近年來,因為網際網路的普遍使用,資訊理應會更為流通,進而使市場整合程度增加。所以,本文主要目的即在研究網際網路上電腦週邊零售市場之空間市場整合情況,並利用Ravallion(1986)的市場整合模型來探討網際網路市場整合之問題。 本研究所選定的五項樣本產品分別為中央處理器、隨機存取記憶體、硬碟、螢幕以及印表機,並收集國內四個及美國兩個樣本網站樣本產品在2000年8月至2001年2月每週一、四的價格資料來實證。利用市場整合模型估計檢定結果有以下之發現:國內樣本網站間無法拒絕長期整合的可能大約有5﹪;而國內與美國樣本網站間也只有不到1﹪的比例無法拒絕長期整合;但是在美國樣本網站間的檢定卻有超過50﹪的比例有長期整合的可能。而且在五項電腦週邊樣本產品的檢定,都有類似的情形。


Because of the widespread using of Internet, it could make the information more circulating. The purpose of this article is: could the market be integrated with the using of the Internet. This research used the Ravallion (1986) market integration model to test the market integration in the Internet. Five products including CPUs, RAMs, hard drives, monitors, and printers, and six websites including four Taiwan websites and two U.S. websites are selected as samples in this study. The price data of each individual product listed in the six websites are collected every Monday and Thursday form Aug. 2000 to Feb. 2001. The empirical results show that the percentage of rejected integration test among Taiwan websites is approximately 95%. The percentage of fail to rejected integration test between Taiwan and U.S. is less than 1%. In contrast, the ratio of fail to reject integration test among U.S. websites is over 50%.


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