  • 學位論文

通路控制力、通路類型與通路績效之研究 —以兩岸台商工具機業供應鏈為研究對象

An Empirical Study on Dominance,Type and Performance of Marketing Channel -Taiwanese Firms in The Supply Chain of Machine Tools Industry Between Taiwan Strait

指導教授 : 呂鴻德


本研究旨在探討通路控制力類型與通路類型對通路績效之影響,並以兩岸台商工具機產業作為研究的對象。並採實證分析之方法來加以驗證。期望提出一套最佳的通路類型與通路控制力類型配合模型。 在經由相關文獻與實證研究之探討後,將通路類型與通路控制力類型二者建構出可操作的衡量構面,並分別將通路類型分為「自主通路類型」、「部分通路類型」,通路控制力類型方面分為「強力控制類型」、「相互依賴類型」兩種類型,另一方面,在通路控制力類型與通路類型配合之通路經營策略模型,分為三大類型,「網路關係型」、「市場交易型」、「層級組織型」。 本研究係以大陸及台灣兩岸工具機台商為主要研究對象,寄發308份問卷,回收有效問卷54份,經由因素分析與集群分析、T檢定、變異數分析等統計方法,歸納出數點,重要的實證結論分述如下: 1.通路類型分為自主型與部分型二種通路類型,而自主通路類型方面的主觀績效、客觀績效、整體績效,較部分通路類型佳。 2.通路控制力類型為強力控制類型與相互依賴類型二種型態,而強力控制類型在「主觀績效」、「客觀績效」與「整體績效」方面的企業競爭力,都較相互依賴類型為佳。 3.在通路控制力類型與通路類型配合模型中,網路關係型在「主觀績效」與「整體績效」方面,都是最佳,層級組織型次之;而「客觀績效」則以層級組織型為最佳,網路關係型次之;市場交易型在這三方面的績效皆殿後。 4.採用完整型供應鏈類型,其對通路控制力與通路類型類型的影響,其通路績效都比部分型為佳。 5.地理區域對供應鏈、配適通路經營策略類型在在這三方面的績效上皆無顯著差異。但以地理區域分別分析,在台灣地區工具機台商,通路經營策略為層級組織型配合整合類型供應鏈策略之通路績效為最佳;在大陸地區則採取網路關係型配合合約關係型之通路績效為最佳。


The major subject of this thesis is focused on the relationships between marketing channel dominance and marketing channel. Base on the literature review and empirical observations,the types of Marketing channel are divided into two types–”autonomous- channel” ,”partial- channel”,and the types of dominance of marketing channel are also divided into two types-”dominant- channel”, ”interdependent- channel”.On the types-“dominant-channel”、”interdependent-channel”.In addition ,the combination model of marketing channel strategy are divided into three types-“network-relationship”,”market-transaction” ,”hierarchy”. Taiwanese machine tool industry on strait were the frame of sampling. 308 companies were requested to answer the questionnaires by mail and the effective respondents were 54 sets.The complex data was collected and analysis by factor analysis,cluster analysis,t-test and ANOVA,the conclusions are summarized as followings: 1.The subjective,objective and over all performance in dominant marketing channel are better than those in partial marketing channel. 2.The subjective,objective and overall performance in domiant marketing channel are better than those in interdependent marketing channel. 3.The subjective, overall performance in network-relationship types is the best, hierarchy types is the second one; The objective performance in hierarchy organization is the best, network-relationship types is second one;and the all three types in market transaction are the worst. 4.The effection of combination supply chain to both marketing dominance and marketing channel resulting in better performance than partical marketing channel. 5.The study implied that geographic area were not significant to supply chain,and the combination of channel strategy types.But the advanced analysis finds the better marketing channel performance that the machine tool firms in Taiwan adopt the combination of hierarchy and supply chain types;the firms in Mainland China adopt the combination of network-relationship and contractual types.


20.耿慶武(民90),中國區域經濟發展,聯經出版事業公司 。


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