  • 學位論文

員工工作特性與工作倦怠之關聯性研究 -以技術學院行政人員為實證對象

A Study of the Relationships between Job Characteristics and Burnout:The Staffs in the Institute of Technology as Empirical Samples

指導教授 : 諸承明


論 文 摘 要 教育制度的劇烈變革,強烈沖擊著技職教育,使得技職學校正面臨著如企業般的生存競爭壓力,面對一連串的技職體系改革,必須不斷地進行內部的行政再造。如是種種的改變,都與行政人員以往所面臨的工作特性有所不同,且如本身技能不足或組織提昇資源不及時,更使得行政人員所面對的壓力逐漸增加,若長期處於過度壓力下沒有抒解,可能會造成工作倦怠的現象。 現代員工常發生工作倦怠現象,對企業經營者而言,若員工經常因工作太累、乏味而產生倦怠感,長期來看,對企業經營績效有相當不利的影響。如何做好員工的倦怠管理,使其生產力不斷提升,是現代主管及企業主不可忽視的重要議題。本研究目的欲瞭解行政人員工作特性及工作倦怠之情況,及探討實際工作特性及工作特性期望與實際差距,與工作倦怠的關連性,另亦考量個體特性之干擾效果,以提供管理者在工作設計及倦怠管理之參考。 經由實證分析,本研究之主要發現,簡述如下: 1、 行政人員之技能多樣性平均數最低、排名最後,顯示工作單調、乏味、缺少變化性;工作及他人回饋性期望與實際程度呈現顯著的差異性,顯示工作之回饋機制未能符合員工之期望需求。 2、 工作倦怠之三構面,以情緒耗竭平均數最高,趨向中值,符合學者Leiter and Maslach在倦怠階段形成過程,提出「情緒耗竭」是倦怠形成的前導因素之論點。次數分配得知,情緒耗竭構面有5.4%之樣本有工作倦怠嚴重性,有33.6%之樣本有工作倦怠傾向性。 3、 實際工作特性與工作倦怠,大部分具有顯著之負相關。 4、 工作特性期望與實際差距與工作倦怠,部分具有顯著之正相關。 5、 個體基本變項與工作倦怠,部分存在顯著差異性。 6、 內控傾向與工作倦怠,具有顯著之負相關。 7、 內控傾向與工作特性對工作倦怠,部分具有顯著交互影響效果。 8、 個體基本變項與工作特性對工作倦怠,部分具有顯著交互影響效果。 依據結論提出管理上之三點建議:1、工作設計之多元化,實施工作輪調、工作擴大化及工作豐富化,提昇工作特性之表現。2、建立倦怠管理機制,抒解及預防工作倦怠之發生。3、重視員工需求與個體差異性,以減少期望與實際的差距,得事半功倍之激勵效果。建議行政人員增強自身之專業知識與技能,亦學習休息,積極正向思考,建立值得存在的價值感,讓自己保持在最佳狀態。


Abstract Encountering the hard change of the education systems, the institutes of technology must continually execute administrative readjustment. The above situations not only bring out more and more job stress but also change the job characteristics of the staffs. The unrelieved job stress will produce the situation of job burnout, which will have an influence on organizational effects, so it is very important for managers to manage burnout. In addition to the job characteristics and the burnout of the staffs, the study is also aimed at the relationships between them and the interactions of the internal locus of control, staffs’ attributes and job characteristics to the job burnout. After data analysis, major results can be concluded as follows: 1、The jobs of the staffs are comparatively lack of skill variety and feedback from the job itself and agents. 2、The emotional exhaustion of the staffs are the most serious in the components of job burnout, with 5.4% empirical samples indicating the serious emotional exhaustion and with 33.6% empirical samples indicating the trend of emotional exhaustion. 3、The relationships between job characteristics and job burnout are partly significant negative correlation. 4、The relationships between job characteristics of expectation discrepancy and job burnout are partly significant positive correlation. 5、There are a little significant difference between staffs’ attributes and job burnout. 6、The relationships between internal locus of control and job burnout are significantly negative correlation. 7、 The interactive effects on internal locus of control and job characteristics are partly significant to job burnout. 8、 The interactive effects on staffs’ attributes and job characteristics are partly significant to job burnout. In conclusions, two suggestions are provided to the managers. The one is to execute various job designs and establish burnout management system. The other is to be more concerned about not only the difference of the staffs’ attributes and also their need. At last, staffs are suggested to keep in touched with new knowledge, and to learn the relaxing, so that they can be kept in the best condition.


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