  • 學位論文


The impacts of Competence-based growth Strategy on Vertical Chain Configuration-an empirical study of Taiwan TFT-LCD industry

指導教授 : 呂鴻德 邱奕嘉


隨著半導體產業技術快速進步的同時,如今台灣也已成為繼日本及韓國之後,中小型液晶顯示器的生產重鎮,企業的資源與能耐將會影響廠商間的合作關係,友達與其他TFT-LCD大廠進入此產業的經營模式,技術皆由日本技轉而來,與奇美以技術自主作進入此產業的成長歷程相較,無論是在策略的擬訂、企業的成長以至於後來垂直鏈佈局差異頗大,有鑒於此,本研究期望能針對台灣TFT-LCD產業進行深入的探討,分析台灣TFT-LCD產業廠商,其能耐基礎成長策略與垂直整合策略為何,其間之關聯性為何?又兩策略之擬訂受何成長策略因素之影響,對於垂直鏈佈局又將產生什麼樣的影響?希冀此研究能提供TFT-LCD產業業者之策略運用建議及參考。   本研究採取個案研究法,以台灣TFT-LCD產業五大廠商為研究對象,包括友達光電、奇美電子、中華映管、瀚宇彩晶及廣輝電子等台灣前五大面版廠,在深度訪談後經由次級資料分析與個案匯整後,發展出相關命題。本研究結果發現: 1. TFT-LCD廠商資源能耐相似度高,其能耐基礎成長策略採取延伸策略;TFT-LCD廠商資源能耐相似度低,其能耐基礎成長策略採取建構策略。 2. TFT-LCD廠商技術變化程度高,其能耐基礎成長策略採取建構策略;TFT-LCD廠商技術變化程度低,其能耐基礎成長策略採取延伸策略。 3. TFT-LCD廠商產業內競爭度高,其能耐基礎成長策略採取延伸策略;TFT-LCD廠商產業內競爭度低,其能耐基礎成長策略採取建構策略。 4. TFT-LCD廠商資源能耐相似度高,其垂直整合策略可採向前,亦可採向後策略;TFT-LCD廠商資源能耐相似度低,其垂直整合策略採取向後策略。 5. TFT-LCD廠商產業內競爭程度低,其垂直整合策略採取向後策略;TFT-LCD廠商產業內競爭程度高,其垂直整合策略採取向前策略。 6. TFT-LCD廠商採取能耐延伸之能耐基礎成長策略,其垂直整合策略採取向前策略;TFT-LCD廠商採取能耐建構之能耐基礎成長策略,其垂直整合策略採取向後策略。


Within the IC industry’s technology is progressing quickly, Taiwan has become the main produce center carry on Japan and Korea. The resources and competence of a industry will impact the cooperation among industries, AUO and other TFT-LCD industries’ entry-strategy are technological cooperation with Japan. Comparing with CMO’s growth strategy with Wholly-owned technology , no matter what the business strategy、growth method、or the Vertical Chain Configuration are quite different. Therefore, this study wants to analyze the factors of Growth strategy, Competence-based growth Strategy, and Vertical Integration strategy of the TFT-LCD industries in Taiwan. This research uses case study method and takes the TFT-LCD industries in Taiwan as the research object. This study selected 5 TFT-LCD industries, such as AUO, CMO, CPTT, HANNSTAR, and QDI. The results of this study are as followings: 1. When the similarity level of the TFT-LCD industries’ resource is high, and in the part of the competence-based growth strategy, they can adopt the competence leveraging strategy. When the similarity level of the TFT-LCD industries’ resource is low, and in the part of the competence-based growth strategy, they can adopt the competence building strategy. 2. When the variation level of the TFT-LCD industries’ technology is high, and in the part of the competence-based growth strategy, they can adopt the competence building strategy. When the variation level of the TFT-LCD industries’ technology is low, and in the part of the Competence-based growth strategy, the can adopt the competence leveraging strategy. 3. When the competition level of the TFT-LCD industries’ resource is high, and in the part of the competence-based growth strategy, they can adopt the competence leveraging strategy. When the competition level of the TFT-LCD industries’ resource is low, and in the part of the Competence-based growth strategy, they can adopt the competence building strategy. 4. When the similarity level of the TFT-LCD industries’ resource is high, and in the part of the vertical integration strategy, they can adopt the forward strategy and backward strategy. When the similarity level of the TFT-LCD industries’ resource is low, and in the part of the vertical integration strategy, they can adopt the backward strategy. 5. When the competition level of the TFT-LCD industries’ resource is low, and in the part of the vertical integration strategy, they can adopt the backward strategy. When the competition level of the TFT-LCD industries’ resource is high, and in the part of the vertical integration strategy, they can adopt the forward strategy. 6. The TFT-LCD industries adopt the competence leveraging strategy, and in the part of the vertical integration strategy, they can adopt the forward strategy. The TFT-LCD industries adopt the competence building strategy, and in the part of the vertical integration strategy, they can adopt the backward strategy.


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3. 奇美電子股份有限公司,www.cmo.com.tw
6. 廣輝電子股份有限公司,www.qdi.com.tw
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