  • 學位論文

紅外線熱像儀應用於FRP補強 施工品質控制參數最佳化之研究

Parameters Study on Infrared Thermography Using for Quality Control of FRP Rehabilitation Construction

指導教授 : 張達德


摘要 高分子複合材料(FRP)結構補強技術在國內外已逐漸廣為使用,其主要優點在於施工便利、所需工時短且不需要昂貴之施工成本,但其主要缺點亦與鋼版補強相同,即沒有一套有效之品質控制檢測方法,來加以確定完工後,複合材料與結構體之間是否緊密接合。本研究採用AeroSpace公司之最新高科技航太檢測技術-『紅外線檢測法』進行檢測,針對複合材料補強結構體進行完工後之品質控制檢測。 本研究採用坤儀高科技公司型號:IRMS300LN-A2之紅外線熱像儀,以熱像儀照射鋁版(FRP貼敷)試驗,證明紅外線熱像儀可快速、準確地判斷出貼敷缺陷之區域與大小;再以混凝土版(FRP貼敷)模擬現地實體結構物,進行熱像儀照射混凝土版(FRP貼敷)試驗,並將拍照之熱影像圖進行比對分析,找出紅外線熱像儀拍照之最佳化參數; 最後針對熱像儀照射實體結構物(FRP貼敷)試驗,驗證比對實驗室建立之最佳拍照參數是否符合實體。 根據研究結果指出:紅外線熱影像檢測技術確實可應用於FRP補強施工品質控制之非破壞檢測。環境因子(溫度、溼度)對紅外線檢測作業影響不大;現地檢測時,可依現場結構體之面積與型式,做加熱設備佈設之改變,關鍵取決於結構體是否可均勻地加熱,並須維持表面溫度上升在5.9±2℃,而紅外線熱像儀之拍照距離以3m為最佳;若檢測作業必要在夜間進行,仍以表面均勻加熱為原則,並保持表面溫度上升在5.9±2℃,而紅外線熱像儀之拍照距離仍以3m為最佳。


ABSTRACT The technology of fiber reinforced polymer has been accepted in the whole world due to constructional convenience, efficiency and low cost. However, the main disadvantage of it, similar to the problem of steel slab reinforcement, is that it doesn’t have a effective quality control inspection method in order to confirm whether FRP bond with structure tightly or not after completing work. The research adopts the latest aviatic inspection technology-「infrared inspection method」of AeroSpace company and aims at the quality control inspection method after completing work on FRP reinforcement. The research adopts “ Queening Hi-Tech Corporation ”:IRMS300LN-A2 Infrared thermography to prove that Infrared thermography is able to distinguish the area and the size of bond defect accurately and speedily by the experiment which Infrared thermography takes a picture on aluminum slab (FRP bond). Moreover, we mimic the real structure by concrete slab (FRP bond) to carry on the experiment and compare and analyze those thermal images in order to find out optimum parameter. At last, the experiment focusing on Infrared thermography taking a picture on real structure (FRP bond) proves that whether the optimum parameter fits entity or not. According to the research, the technology of Infrared inspection method can apply to Non-Destructive Inspection of FRP reinforced construction and quality control. Environment factor such as temperature and moisture doesn’t influence Infrared inspection work a lot. You can make a change in arrangement of heating equipment according to the area and the style of structure on the spot while inspecting. The key point is that whether the structure can be heat evenly or not; besides, the temperature should be maintained between 5.9±2℃, and the best distance for taking a picture with Infrared thermography is 3 meters. Even if you carry on the Infrared inspection work at night, you should still keep the rules mentioned above: heating evenly, maintaining the temperature between 5.9±2℃, and 3 meters for taking a picture.


reinforced polymeric composites in the
rehabilitation of concrete structures ”


