  • 學位論文


The Research on the Influence of the Fire Disaster in Architecture and City Development in Taiwan in Japanese Governance Era.

指導教授 : 黃俊銘


日治時期臺灣都市火災為一重大災害問題,同時依不同時期都市的發展,都市火災亦呈現不同的特性與變化。日治時期臺灣近代都市火災防治發展為近代都市防災、保安史上的一環,亦是臺灣都市於法令政策、制度計畫上的考量重點。 日治初期臺灣總督府當局有感於都市火災的問題,故以家屋建築管理制度的執行,達到火災防治的目的。日治中期隨著市街快速變化與發展下產生的都市火災問題,都市火災防治策略亦面臨考驗,1936年臺灣都市計畫令的公佈,不僅詳盡規定建築於材料、構造、設備上火災防治規定,更進一步以都市區域設定的觀念,落實都市火災防治的目的。日治後期,在戰爭空襲而形成都市大火的威脅下,火災防治觀念亦有重大變革,不僅以建築規範、都市計畫的方式達到都市火災防治的目的,同時更以既有建物防火改修、建物疏開等手法,企圖達到都市整體不燃化的火災防治目標。 日治時期臺灣都市火災防治是研究防災史及政策法令相當重要的一環,亦是研究臺灣近代建築構造、設備與都市之發展史不可或缺的重要史料;本研究主要內容包含如下: 1、日治時期臺灣都市火災史研究之考證,包含都市火災年表、震災與火災關係、火災後的重建政策、防空法令中都市火災防治對策等研究、日本關東大地震與社會政策對臺灣火災防治的影響。 2、日治時期臺灣都市火災防治相關政策與法令之探討,包含1936 年都市計畫令與防災政策、消防相關法令的制訂與變革、家屋建築規則中的防火構造對策等研究。 3、政府機構與民間組織相關火災防治組織之形成,包含營造請負業與、消防組合的形成、消防機構的專業化等研究。 4、公共消防設備系統之發展,包含鑽井水道設施與公共消防系統之關係、公共消防系統的變遷、近代建築的消防設備系統及消防廳舍建築形成之研究。


During the Japanese Ruling Period city fire was a major hazard and has different characteristics and change at different period of city development.The Modern City Fire Prevention Development in Taiwan during the Japanese Ruling Period is one part of modern city disaster prevention and security history and is also the key in the planning of law, regulation, system and policy. The Japanese governing authority during the early stage of ruling achieved fire prevention objective with house building administration system to deal with the problem of city fire. In the mid stage of the ruling period, following the rapid change and development of cities and streets, the city fire prevention strategies were under test. In 1936, the announcement of Taiwan City Plan Order had not only given detail prescription in material, structure and equipment for fire prevention, further taking the city area as the objective of city fire prevention. At the later stage of Japanese Ruling, threatened by city fire due to air raid, there was material change in fire prevention concept. It was not only tried to achieved through building codes and urban plan, but also in the refurbishment of existing building in fire protection and building evacuation and tried to attain the target of fire prevention of total non inflammable of city. The fire prevention of modern cities in Taiwan during the Japanese Era is essential for the research of disaster prevention and related regulations. It is also important for the understanding of the architecture structure, infrastructure and urban development in modern history. This study includes 1、 The history of major city fire and the fire prevention, which investigates the number of fire, the fire caused by earthquake, the restoration of buildings after fire and other related policy. 2、 The policy and regulation about fire prevention, such as, the urban planning in 1936, the transformation of regulations of fire prevention, and the requirement of buildings structure and material on housing regulation. 3、 The governmental and non-governmental organizations of fire prevention which were response for the specialization of Fire Company. 4、The public infrastructure of fire prevention, such as, the water supply, drainagesystem, the development of equipment of fire prevention in modern architecture.




