  • 學位論文


The Visual Identity System for Cultural & Business Network of Dashi Oldstreet

指導教授 : 朱嘉樺


「全球思考,在地行動」的政策浪潮影響下,目前許多國家莫不極思藉由藝術創作與商業機制,將自身的在地文化特質彰顯與發揚,藉以增強人民的文化認同與增加產業的附加價值。 台灣過去的發展以科技產業為主,反觀文化創意產業人才的培育,由於缺乏良好的根基,使政府在推動文化創意發展時遇到很大的瓶頸。 以台灣的現況而言,台灣正處於積極地尋找在地性、本土性的年代,我們的文化面臨進退維谷的迷思。 “台灣文化”無以名之, 但是可確信的是一直與鄉土結合在一起的。 我們可能會因為現代化而驕傲,但是當所有的發展指向高科技與現代化的同時,我們驀然回首驚覺傳統的消逝,意識到身份認同的焦慮,然後想要保留傳統的美好,而老街正是認同本土中的一個空間與時間的現況。 有鑑於此,本研究以大溪和平老街為例,從發掘地方的人文歷史、地理、特產、古蹟等,以視覺設計的角度,發展一套符合大溪和平老街的視覺設計規劃,提升地方視覺形象的整體性,增加文化特色及相關產業的附加價值及收益,讓老街除了商機的發展也能兼具傳承文化歷史的使命。 要將傳統產業轉化為文化產業,就必須整合文化和經濟兩個層面。 一方面保存老街的特色回復老街既有的生活力;另一方面促使人們在老街的懷舊之旅裡找到對本土文化歷史的認同與慰藉。 歷史文化與經濟活動的結合,其實是經營者的另類策略,藉由多角化的經營管理,結合旅館業、餐飲業、交通業及行銷活動的套裝遊程,才能讓老街在觀光產業裡重現歷史風華;進而達到傳承文化的效益,創造高附加價值的效益,提升國民的生活品質。


As the thought ”Think globally but act locally” moves on, many counties are trying to develop their cultural specialties through art creation and commercial mechanisms in order to strengthen local people’s cultural identity and improve the added value of related industries. Taiwan used to focus mainly on the development of technology instead of cultural and creative industries. Thus the shortage on foster of cultural and creative person becomes the obstacle of developing the said industries. Nowadays, Taiwan is striving to look for the spirit of early domestic culture, and in the same time, facing the impact of western culture which makes the situation even more complicate. There is no name for ”Taiwan culture”, but it’s no doubt the Taiwan culture is always combined with the word “local” or “domestic”. We may be proud of modernization, but when all the development indicates to high-tech or modernization, we suddenly found that the tradition has passed away, and the anxiety of self-identity came over. We wish to keep the beauty of our tradition. The old street is one of the ways to identify the “local” culture and tradition. Our research is based on the Dashi Herpin old street, from domestic people’s history, geography, specialties/ souvenirs, and monuments to get the whole idea of visual design for this street. The purpose of this research is to promote the visual image of the street, enhance the cultural characteristics as well as added value and earnings of related industries. Therefore, the street can get commercial profits in the way of keeping domestic traditional culture. The transition of traditional industry to cultural industry needs to combine the culture with economy. On the one hand, we have to keep the special characteristics of the old street and, at the same time, revive the prosperity. On the other hand, people can find their own identity and comfort through the cultural and historical tour of the street. To connect history and culture with commercial activities are the special strategy of the owners on the street, by diversified management to make hotel, restaurant, trafficking, and marketing activities as the whole touring package. We hope Dashi Herpin old street can regain its historical respect by tourism industry and fulfill the mission of cultural heritage and, meanwhile, create high value added profits and improve the quality of people’s life.




