  • 學位論文


The Luxury Marketing and Positioning Research

指導教授 : 曲祉寧


在行銷學中的STP指的區隔 (segmentation)、目標 (targeting) 以及定位 (positioning),是在研究與處理不同產品或服務之間的差異化,並以這些差異化有效區隔市場,利用滿足目標市場顧客為廠商創造利潤的一個研究議程 (research agenda)。傳統的行銷策略都是以消費者的角度去制定行銷策略,在這樣的過程中廠商需要不斷的摸索消費者的喜好以及偏好。而這樣的過程中即容易發生定位失敗的情形。主流的文獻中,將產品定位失敗都歸咎於因資訊不對稱所導致的反向選擇。 而本研究卻在精品產業發現不同的現象。在精品產業中,傳統的印象是高價、炫耀等,雖然消費者對精品真正的意義難以明確掌握,但顧客仍願意出高價購買。即廠商的資訊傳達雖然不清楚,亦即,精品的銷售卻不再需要傳訊來證明其品質與價值。 本研究從廠商的行銷策略來理解廠商如何認識消費者的需求、改變消費者的價值認知,特別是由認識消費者的偏好、消費者的需求來影響廠商的行銷決策。本研究發現「第三需求法則」和「搭售」能改變相對價格,讓消費者覺得購買精品是相當值得。 本研究透過質性研究中的個案研究法分析做出了以下結論:(一)精品的跨期替代性高,和精品的定義密切相關。(二)使用相對價格的行銷方式改變消費者的認知,使其相對價格較低,讓消費者在購買時有物超所值的感受,是成功經營精品銷售的必要條件。(三)搭售可以改變相對價格,及改變產品定位,亦即對產品重定位,成功的精品銷售,需要適當的利用搭售來改變相對價格,並對產品進行定位。


According to marketing’s STP, firms will divide the market, positioning their products or service and confirm their target customers. It's researched and deals with the differentiation between the different products or services and use the differentiation to segment the market effectively. Traditional marketing strategies are based on the consumer's view to develop marketing strategies. In this process, firms need to constantly explore consumer preferences. And in this process is prone to failure to positioning due to information asymmetry. In this study found that the different phenomena in luxury industry. In luxury industry, the traditional image is expensive, and show off to others, etc. Although consumers don't understand the real meaning of luxury, consumers are still willing to pay to buy the luxury. It means firms don’t convey the information clearly and luxury sales are no longer needed to use signaling to prove the quality and value. In this study, by firm's marketing strategies to understand how firms understand consumer's demand, and change the consumer's perceived-value, especially by understanding consumer's preferences, consumer's demand to influence the firm's marketing decisions. Therefore, the study found that the "third law of demand" and "bundling" can change the relative prices, and let consumers feel that buying luxury is worthy. Through the qualitative research, summarized the conclusions as following: (1) Luxury’s inter-temporal substitution is high, and the definition of luxury is closely related. (2) Sale luxury goods the most success key is to combine the relative price with marketing strategies to change customers’ awareness and let customers understand the value of the luxury. (3) Bundling can change the relative price and the product positioning. It means re- positioning of the product and sale the luxury goods successfully. Therefore, it needs to use bundling appropriately to change the relative price and positioning the product.


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