  • 學位論文


Study of College Student Using Social Application and Interpersonal Relationship

指導教授 : 林瓊菱


自行動APP崛起後,各家智慧型手機無不搭載相關的APP商店,而人性化使用便利的APP使得智慧型手機更加普及,青少年持有的比率也逐年上升,而在當今的社會上出現「低頭族」的現象。 根據FIND調查發現民眾最常使用的APP類別為-社交、娛樂、影音,社交APP係指與人互動溝通的APP。根據人格心理學可知人際關係會影響認知發展,尤在青少年時期,特別著重於群體性的互動,且是技能培養的重要時期,因此本研究對三十名大學生進行訪談,在訪談前先請受訪者填答APP使用行為問卷,發現三十名大學生最常使用的社交APP為Facebook,而Facebook APP的使用行為是否會影響人際關係,將對生活人際、工作人際、技能培養的部份進行訪談。 青少年的社會化發展,需要專注在自我意識形成、價值觀培養與多種能力的訓練來滿足社會生活中人際的、群體的和全社會的三個層面。本研究發現: (1) 生活人際:本研究認為在使用Facebook方面,大學生不同的使用方式,對人際關係會有不同的影響,不過Facebook僅單純為一個溝通工具,只是較低限度的溝通,實際面對面的溝通仍然是最重要的。 (2)工作人際:多數大學生在Facebook上與他人的互動態度,通常也都會用相同的態度面對工作場合的同伴,本研究認為若在使用Facebook能培養好的態度與溝通與處理方式,對於工作場合的人際關係是有助益的。 (3)技能培養:大學生認為實際的互動是較能鞭策自己投入心力往多能力的方向發展,也認同擁有多技能的人較能坦然接受他人的批評,本研究認為實際上大學生的使用Facebook的情形,整體而言會影響個人的成長與學習。


社交APP 人際關係 臉書 技能


Since the rise of mobile APP, various smart phones are equipped with APP Store. The ease of use of the APP makes smartphones more popular, and ratio of Adolescent held also increased year by year, lead to the "smartphone addicts" phenomenon. According FIND survey found people use most APP category - social, entertainment and video. Among them, the social APP means “communication interaction with people”. According personality psychology shows that interpersonal affect cognitive development, especially in adolescence, with particular emphasis on the interaction of group, and skills development is an important period. In this study, interviews thirty students, let them fill in a questionnaire (about APP usage behavior) and found that they often use social APP is “Facebook”, The activities with in Facebook are "interpersonal relationship of life", "interpersonal relationship of work" and "skills development". The survey adopts interview to understand, whether they use Facebook APP behavior affects relationships. Adolescents satisfy interpersonal, community and the entire society, must through their social development, which is focused on the formation of self-awareness, values, culture and training in a variety of capacities. The study found: (1) Interpersonal relationship of life: This study suggests that the use of Facebook, the use of different college students, have different effects on relationships, but Facebook is just a simple communication tool, just minimum communication, the actual face to face communication is still is the most important. (2) Interpersonal relationship of work: Most students on Facebook to interact with other people, and they face colleagues in the workplace is the same attitude, this study suggests that if use Facebook able to train a good attitude and communication with the approach, for interpersonal relationships in the workplace is helpful. (3) Skill development: Students think the actual interaction can make yourself into more than effort and develop their skills, but also agree to have multi-skilled people to openly accept criticism than the others, this study suggests that in fact the case of college students use Facebook, will affect the overall personal growth and learning.


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林金淑(2007)。中小企業台商外派幹部管理認知之衡量與診斷- 以A公司為例〔碩士論文,崑山科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0025-0306200810422476
