  • 學位論文


Establishing a Nursing Staff Competency Model to Raise the Performance of Training Quality System

指導教授 : 周永燦


「職能」意指在職場的特定職務中所需具體之表現能力,包括個人的知識、技術、能力、和態度,使之能夠順利完成該職務所應付的責任與表現期待。醫療產業屬於高度專業的產業,職能能否充份發揮功用,對醫院經營有其重要性。護理人員為醫院重要的人力資源,在醫療機構之人力配置數目中佔有最高的比例,且與患者間關係最為緊密,因此護理人員之職能管理便成為醫療機構經營者之首要課題。 臺灣訓練品質系統(Taiwan TrainQuali System, TTQS)自2005年規劃、擬定且推行至今,對於國內企業人力資源訓練績效之提升具有正面助益。本研究透過決策樹演算法分析100年度TTQS評核資料庫;並以集群分析進行驗證比較決策樹分析之結果,歸納出TTQS六項關鍵性評核指標項目,研究發現關鍵評核指標與職能及訓練有高度相關。並以國內中部某區域醫院之護理人員為研究對象,應用兩階段分群法(SOM與K-Means)建立護理人員之核心職能模型,以倒傳遞類神經網路模式,驗證護理人員核心職能模型,結果顯示該核心職能模型分析準確率達83.93%。研究成果成功建立護理人員核心職能模型,後續可做為護理人員職能分析、訓練發展之評核工具,及醫療同業建構職能模型之參考。更能協助國內醫療院所導入TTQS可以能迅速接軌,提供護理人員訓練課程之安排依據,降低醫療人力訓練成本與流動率,提升醫療人力品質與經營運作績效。


Competency refers to the ability and willingness to employ existing knowledge and skills to perform work tasks. Health care behavior involves high complexity and uncertainty, when nurses perform health care behavior-based work, they must possess highly professional nursing knowledge and skills to ensure the provision of safe patient care services. In 2005, the Taiwanese government has drawn up Taiwan TrainQuali System (TTQS) for businesses and medical units to carry out internal human training by offering a sound education and training evaluating system. This study uses 2011 TTQS review database for analysis. The decision tree algorithm, based on the predictive ability of the algorithm, analyze TTQS critical assessment indicators. Then, K-Means algorithm is used to classify the TTQS assessment level into clustering analysis. This research obtains 6 critical indicators for the TTQS database. The purpose of this study is to establish a nursing staff competency model for a good nurse-patient relationship and integrally to promote TTQS. The data was collected by the case hospital and two-stage clustering method (Self-Organization Maps and K-Means) was used to analyze core competency that nursing staff should possess. Through the Back-propagation neural network (BPN) for reasoning, inductive and learning, the rate of correctness in BPN analysis is 83.93%. The study results establish a competency model to help the nursing staff education and self-practice, to examine the nursing professionalism exhibited by nurses delivering health care services, and to raise the performance of traing quality for medical units.


Decision Tree Neural Network K-Means Nursing Staff TTQS Clustering Competency


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