  • 學位論文


The Current Status and Reformative Prospects of the Human Organ Transplant Regulations in Taiwan

指導教授 : 張天一


隨著先端醫療科技技術蓬勃的發展,人體器官移植手術創造了人類生活的另一種可能,甚至擁有改變人類生命與控制其生死之權利。然而,突飛猛進的醫療科技進步確實延長了人類的壽命,能帶給人類生存的另一種契機,但隨之而來卻也引發了社會道德倫理的矛盾衝突與難題,若說先端的醫療科技技術係扮演「神」之地位,那麼法律便是其中最重要的元素,以人類之基本權利為基石,建立一套明確而完善的制度與標準,用以衡平其缺失。 本文將嘗試就目前我國器官移植及器官移植之法規範重新檢視,探討目前活體與屍體器官移植所面臨之現況及問題,面對現今器官移植所遭遇供需失衡之困境,應檢討我國器官移植之分配方法,以求建立人體器官移植公平透明之多元分配機制。此外,究我國目前人體器官捐贈與移植之同意與決定權主體、捐贈卡簽署之法律效力為何,最近親屬是否具有捐贈者生前捐贈意願簽署之法律上否決權亦有討論必要。進一步,將對於「自願無償捐贈原則」重新檢討,討論器官捐贈者之補償或買賣可行性與非定向捐贈政策之發展。最後處理未成年人器官捐贈與醫療自主決定權,討論未成年人捐贈器官之妥適性與利害衝突防免。 本文比較美國於人體器官移植之立法與運作方式,借鏡其立法規範、政策模式及實務運作上所討論之議題,以期透過美國立法及實務運行之經驗,做為我國器官移植未來法律規範之修正、爭議問題處理及政策選擇上之借鏡與參考,探討我國人體器官移植法規範上實現運作之修正方向與未來積極可行之作為。


With the booming development of medical technology, human organ transplants may do create another possibility of human life and have the power to control people’s death. However, the great advance of medical technology not only prolongs human life, but comes with the ethical conflicts and social subjects of much controversy. Therefore, law is one of the most important elements used the fundamental of human rights to establish a clear and comprehensive standard. First of all, we intent to review the provision of Human Organ Transplant Act in Taiwan and investigate the current situation and problems of human organ transplant, for instance, to find out the solution of unbalanced organ demand and unfair distribution. In addition, we study the Legal effect on the signing of donor card. Furthermore, we discuss the possibility of Organ bargain and weather it is suitable for minors to being a donor. Last but not least, compare with the legislation and operating of Organ Transplant Act between Taiwanese and America, such as the legal modifications and the disposal of controversial issues, the options of policy, and so on. After analyzing and comparing the different regulations in Taiwan and American, we shall regard the advantage of American law as our improvement target in the future.


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