  • 學位論文


Effects of Video Modeling on Cleaning Service Skills of Students with Moderate/Severe Intellectual Disabilities

指導教授 : 趙本強


本研究主要目的欲探討影帶示範教學對中重度智能障礙學生清潔技能成效之影響。研究對象採立意取樣,選取三名桃園啟智學校高職部一年級中重度智能障礙學生,研究方法採用單一受試實驗設計之跨受試多探試設計,自變項為影帶示範教學,依變項為清潔服務技能,教學實驗分為四階段進行,分別為基線期、處理期、維持期及類化期。研究工具包含自編之「清潔技能教學影帶」、「清潔工作技能評量表」、「影帶示範教學意見回饋表」、「受試者訪談大綱」、「教學省思日誌」,教學成效以視覺分析和C統計評估受試者在清潔技能之立即、維持、類化成效,藉由「影帶示範教學意見回饋表」和「受試者訪談大綱」探討本研究之社會效度。本研究結果如下: 一、運用「影帶示範」進行教學對中重度智能障礙學生學習清潔服務技能具有立即成效。 二、運用「影帶示範」進行教學對中重度智能障礙學生學習清潔服務技能具有維持成效。 三、運用「影帶示範」進行教學對中重度智能障礙學生學習清潔服務技能具有類化成效。 四、運用「影帶示範」進行教學對中重度智能障礙學生學習清潔服務技能具有良好社會效度。 根據上述研究結果,提供具體建議供未來研究者及教學工作者參考。


The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of video modeling on cleaning service skills of students with moderate/severe intellectual disabilities. Three students with moderate/severe intellectual disabilities were chosen from senior high of National Taoyuan Special School . The single subject research across subjects with multiple probe design was used. The independent variable was video modeling and dependent variable was the percent of cleaning service skills. Data were collected on the three subjects during baseline,intervention,maintenance, and generalization phases. Instructtional effects were assessed by analyzing quantitative and qualitative data. Quantitative data collected in this study were analyzed using visual analysis and Tryon’s C statistic methods. Qualitative data collected from interviews with students were analyzed using transcript analysis method. Results of this study were summarized as following: 1.Video modeling is effective on the acquisition of cleaning service skills for the students with moderate/severe intellectual disabilities. 2.Video modeling is effective in maintaining cleaning service skills for one week . 3.Video modeling is effective in generalizing cleaning service skills to other classrooms. 4.Interviews with related individuals have indicated that this study has a high social validity. Based on the results of this study, suggestions were provided for educators and prospective researchers who intend to conduct similar research.


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