  • 學位論文


The Strategy of Establishing Business Model in Chain Clinic

指導教授 : 顧志遠


台灣在國際上享有「醫療天堂」的盛名,國內健保制度更是受到國際間推崇的制度之一,姑且不論制度是否完善,但是卻也提供了所有國民的健康後盾,但是近年在整體經濟環境衰敗以及資源有限之下,健保也逐漸吃緊,基層醫療診所與醫院逐漸演變成水火不容的彼此競爭狀況,爭取健保給付以及自費病患;在衛生署統計之下,近年來診所的開立數屢創新高,看似前景看好的基層醫療診所,其實其開業醫師也身陷疲於應付衛生署每日瞬變的法規政策、日新月異的醫療技術以及整體營運管理問題,而醫院的整體營運狀況也因為物資成本提高、每年的藥價調整導致利潤降低,獲利吃緊,整個醫療產業陷入愁雲慘霧的經營風暴之中,這與當初衛生署為醫療產業所訂定的目標以及願景相距甚遠。 近年來,診所也為了增加獲利,也紛紛轉形成自費診所,而捨棄健保病患,為了增加更多利潤,醫生與醫事人員全力投入看診治療,更無暇進修,對於診所管理也只能依靠自己想法經營,部分管理不善的診所會引發嚴重醫療糾紛以及傷害,如此惡性循環之下,只會造成三方的雙輸局面;由此可知,醫療產業結構已經傾斜,產業生命週期已經出現瓶頸,此時唯有創新經營模式,才能改善現在所面對的問題,重整醫療體系,健全醫療體制。 本論文針對建構醫療診所創新經營模式為主軸,目的是利用近幾年企業及各產業爭相仿效的連鎖經營模式去重新重整醫療產業結構問題,採用的經營模式為Osterwalder的九大構面因子去分析現有一般醫療診所現況,以及連鎖產業,利用連鎖產業的強勢優勢去改變目前診所所面臨的困境;研究中我們經由深度訪談開業醫師以及醫院管理人員的看法以及建議,建構出連鎖診所經營模式,將改變現在的醫療診所問題成為價值主張以顧客為中心、重新建構與顧客的互動關係、增加行銷通路的長度及密度、重新定位主要顧客市場產品以及服務、並加速提昇核心能力、靈活價值配置減少浪費社會資源、並增加垂直以及水平夥伴合作關係、改變高成本結構並且多方面增加獲利;經由連鎖經營改變問題,讓醫療產業提升競爭力又能彼此相互合作,除了達到永續經營以外,還能回歸衛生署最終醫療產業目標,繼續守護國人健康。


醫療診所 經營模式 連鎖


Taiwan’s national health insurance system is one of the respected institutions and enjoys in the "medical paradise" reputation in international. Regardless of whether it is good, it also provides all citizens' health backing. But in the recent years, the decline in the overall economic environment and the limited resources also under the bureau of national health insurance are on a tight budget. Primary clinics and hospital increasingly fierce competition with each other, fight for payments of health insurance, and patients at their own expense. According to Department of Health statistics, the number of clinics opening continued to reach a new high in recent years. Seemingly promising primary clinics, practitioners are also struggling to cope with the Department of Health caught daily transients regulations and policies, the ever-changing medical technology and overall operational management problems, and the hospital's overall operating conditions but also because of material costs, annual the drug price adjustments resulted in lower profits, profit tight, the entire health care industry into a gloomy business turmoil, which the Department of Health for the medical industry had stipulated goals and vision are far apart. This study focuses on building health clinics innovative business model as the main. Aim is to use current and future corporate chain business model most respected medical industry to restructure structural problems, using the nine dimensions factor business model of Osterwalder to analyze existing general medical clinic status, as well as industrial chain, industrial chain advantage to use to change the current plight of the clinic. Depth interviews with physicians and managers of hospital through their views and recommendations to construct the chain clinic business model, changing the current clinic issue has become customer-centric value proposition to re-construct the interactive relationship with customers, increase marketing channels, mainly targeting customers market products and services, increasing core capabilities, flexible configuration value, increase vertical and horizontal partnerships, changing the cost structure and improve profitability. Resolve issues through the chain operation, so that the medical industry to enhance competitiveness among themselves, in addition to achieve sustainable development, but also to return to the Department of Health ultimate goal of the medical industry to continue to protect people's health.


Chain Business Model Clinic


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陳慶雄(2014)。以體驗為導向之經營模式研究 —以主題式餐廳為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201400649
