  • 學位論文


Using Decision Tree Method to Explore Applicability of Radio Frequency Identification in Nuclear Environments

指導教授 : 周永燦


我國目前有三座核電廠包括核一廠、核二廠與核三廠以及一座正在興建中的龍門電廠(每座電廠均有兩部機組),提供總發電容量約為514萬瓩,約佔全國電力總裝機容量的13% (Taiwan Power Company, 2011)。2011年日本福島核災後,我國政府宣佈調整核電政策,三座運轉中的核能電廠將於40年的運轉壽命到期後如期除役。然而,核能電廠除役計畫中,拆除後的廢棄物(含輻射、非輻射、金屬、水泥塊與廢土等)追蹤管理為首要規劃工作項目之一。 隨著科技的興起,無線射頻辨識 (Radio Frequency Identification, 以下簡稱RFID) 技術之特性非常適合用於庫存管理與貨品生命週期的追蹤上,至今已應用於交通運輸、門禁管理、倉儲管理及物流運輸等相關領域扮演重要的角色,且可減少人力成本與提升工作效率,但目前國內尚未有RFID應用於核能電廠案例,因RFID技術具有遠距離資料讀取及儲存的特性,若能使用於核能輻射環境,將可減少工作人員接觸輻射機會,以及增加核電廠廢棄物管理效能。然而,市面上尚未有RFID相關設備曾在核能電廠輻射環境長期使用。 本研究主要目的為探討各種RFID標籤與設備於核能環境適用性分析。首先研究主要影響因子,並依據實際RFID於核能環境測試數據進行分析,再運用資料探勘中的決策樹CHAID (Chi-Square Automatic Interaction Detection)及CART (Classification and Regression Tree) 演算法進行分類比較,以找出較適合的RFID標籤與設備。本研究分析結果為市面上所購得六種RFID標籤與設備中,被動式長距離抗金屬標籤與固定式讀取設備較適合應用於核能環境中。本研究結果將可作為未來我國核能電廠除役計畫中,採用RFID技術管理暨追蹤拆除後廢棄物之參考。


In Taiwan, there are three operating Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs) located at Chinshan, Kuosheng and Maanshan, with two operating units at each site, provide a total installed capacity of 5,144 MWe, accounting for 13% of the total installed electricity capacity in 2011. After the accident at Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi NPP, Taiwanese government adjusted its nuclear power policy. The three operating NPPs will be decommissioned on schedule, and the life of these NPPs will not be extended. Therefore, the preparation of decommissioning projects of these NPPs becomes an important issue for the nuclear community. Especially, safe, efficient, reliable and sustainable solutions to manage radioactive wastes of decommissioning project. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a one potential solution. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is an emerging technology that is being used in supply chain management gradually. RFID technology plays an important role in supporting logistics and supply chain processes because of their ability to identify, trace and track information throughout the supply chain. The technology can provide suppliers, manufacturers, distributors and retailers precise real-time information about the products. The accurate knowledge of inventory would result in lower labor cost, simplified business processes and improved supply chain efficiency. However, the RFID technology applies to the nuclear radioactive environment is rare. The major purpose of this thesis is to explore and analyze applicability of various RFID tags and equipments in nuclear radioactive environment. Firstly, the study identified the main impact factors and analyzed RFID data in nuclear radioactive environment. Next, the Chi-Square Automatic Interaction Detection (CHAID) and Classification and Regression Tree (CART) algorithms are employed to classify the applicability of RFID tags and equipments. Six types of RFID tags and equipments are analyzed, and the results indicated that the passive long resistance to metal tag and fixed type reader are suitable for applying for the application of nuclear radioactive environment. It is anticipated that the results of this study will be an important knowledge repository and design base for adopting RFID technology within decommissioning projects of NPPs in Taiwan.


RFID Decision tree Nuclear power plant Data mining CHAID


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