  • 學位論文


Exploring the New Retirees’ Willingness to Relocate within Taiwan

指導教授 : 倪晶瑋 曹拯元


退休後移居過自己想過的生活,對現代人而言,是追求個人夢想、實踐自我、豐富生活意義的選項之一。《今周刊》2005 年的調查結果顯示:6,617 個樣本中有 78% 的受測者退休後想移居到另一個城鎮。然而,紀佩岑(2012)卻有不同的發現:五都 691 個樣本中,島內「移居意願」僅達 23.2%。2013 年《今周刊》再次針對同樣的主題做調查,1,637 個樣本中,有 48.9% 的受測者有「移居意願」。衛福部調查結果為58歲以上者居住狀況為:98.1% 受測者以固定居住在某地為主;亦即,幾乎沒有「移居意願」。因以上四個結果之數據彼此差異極大,故產生本研究之動機。本研究假設「移居意願」與受測者之年齡與居住地有關,並透過沿用紀佩岑(2012)問卷之方式進行調查,再與紀氏研究結果及上述其他作者研究結果交互比較,討論當今之島內移居趨勢。此外,採用深度訪談研究方式,針對已移居、有移居經驗及有移居意願者進行訪談,得到以下結論: 1. 「新退休族」之「移居意願」超過 4 成。 2. 「年齡」(「新退休族」)對「移居意願」高低有影響。 3. 「移居意願」的南北差異。 4. 「都市近郊」及「鄉村地區」為具「移居意願」者的首選。 5. 「移居意願」與個人特徵有顯著差異。 6. 具「移居意願」者的共同背景。 7. 退休後的移居生活,需及早規畫與準備。


For people nowadays, one way to enrich their lifestyles while pursuing their aspirations is to relocate to their desired living environment after retirement. According to a 2005 Business Weekly study, 78% of the 6,617 participants indicated their desires to move to another city after retirement. However, a study conducted by Pei-Tsen Chi in 2012 yielded different results. Out of the 691 participants surveyed in five major Taiwanese cities (Taipei, New Taipei, Taichung, Tainan, Kaohsiung), only 23.2% indicated their willingness to relocate after retirement. When Business Weekly did a follow-up study in 2013, only 48.9% of the 1,637 participants indicated their willingness to relocate after retirement. In 2014, the Ministry of Health and Welfare conducted a survey regarding the living situations of elders with a minimum age of 58. The results showed that 98.1% of the survey participants indicated their preference to remain in their current place of living, having little to no desire to relocate. This study was motivated by the major discrepancies between the results of the four studies outlined above. Specifically, this study explores how “age” and “place of living” impact the desire to relocate. Taking into account the results of the previously conducted surveys the following conclusions were reached: 1. Over 40% of the new retirees would like to relocate within Taiwan. 2. Age of the new retirees impacts their desire to relocate. 3. The desire to relocate is dependent upon whether the new retiree lives in northern or southern Taiwan. 4. New retirees who are willing to relocate prefer suburban and rural areas. 5. Willingness to relocate is related to individual characteristics. 6. The common background of new retirees’ who are willing to relocate. 7. Relocation requires early planning and preparation.


