  • 學位論文


The Relationship between Gendered Household Labor Division and Marital Satisfaction in Taiwan and China

指導教授 : 朱珊瑩


在傳統社會上,主要是「男主外,女主內」的分工模式。隨著社會的變遷,越多已婚女性走出家庭,進入職場工作,面對此,家庭勞務分工與婚姻滿意度之關係變得重要。家庭勞務分工越趨均等化,但過去文獻發現,儘管男性在家庭勞務的分工上有明顯地增加,但女性仍負責大部分的家庭勞務工作。不過也有文獻指出,男性並非在家庭勞務分工上毫無貢獻。研究表示,男性多負責較不規則的、不固定的、可自由決定時間,如家庭簡單修繕的家務,而女性多屬負責不間斷的、重複性的、每天要做的,如準備膳食、洗碗和清潔房子的家務。然而,文獻並未探討性別化家庭勞務分工對婚姻滿意度之關係。因此本研究以性別化的家庭勞務分工各別探討對臺灣與中國婚姻滿意度之影響。此外,文獻顯示,性別意識型態為家庭勞務分工與婚姻滿意度間重要的中介變數,且此變數也表達了人們如何在婚姻與家庭角色中表達自己的期望。因此本研究也探討性別意識型態與性別化家庭勞務分工對婚姻滿意度之關係。本文運用相對剝奪理論解釋性別化家庭勞務分工與性別意識型態對婚姻滿意度之影響。此理論表明,當人們將自己的處境與他人比較時,若發現自己處於劣勢則將產生剝奪感。有文獻指出,當丈夫或妻子認為自己被不公正的對待時,會覺得自己的時間被剝奪了,因此會進而影響婚姻滿意度。 本研究利用「臺灣社會變遷基本調查計畫第六期第三次:性別組」與「中國綜合社會調查」2012年的資料,並使用多元線性迴歸、有序性概率迴歸、穩健迴歸三種分析工具。 經過以上三種分析結果,本研究依有序性概率迴歸為最終實證結果。研究結果顯示,臺灣女性受訪者,若受訪者的配偶少做「女性型家庭勞務分工」,則該受訪者的婚姻滿意度會上升。中國兩性受訪者結果顯示,若受訪者的配偶多做「女性型家庭勞務分工」,則該受訪者的婚姻滿意度也會上升。而若受訪者的配偶多做「男性型家庭勞務分工」僅對臺灣男性的婚姻滿意度有顯著正向影響,其餘受訪者的配偶多做「男性型家庭勞務分工」對受訪者的婚姻滿意度無顯著影響。在性別意識型態上,若越為均等主義性別意識型態的兩國男性受訪者對受訪者的婚姻滿意程度就越增加,但性別意識型態對兩國女性之婚姻滿意度皆無顯著影響。在「女性型家庭勞務分工與性別意識型態的交乘項」方面,臺灣女性受訪者在不考慮性別意識型態的情況下,受訪者之配偶做女性型家庭勞務分工對受訪者的婚姻滿意度之邊際效果呈負數關係。而加入性別意識型態後,若越趨向均等主義性別意識型態的臺灣女性受訪者,受訪者之配偶做女性型家庭勞務分工對臺灣女性受訪者的婚姻滿意度之邊際效果呈遞增的情況。而中國兩性受訪者在不考慮性別意識型態的情況下,該受訪者之配偶做女性型家庭勞務分工對受訪者的婚姻滿意度之邊際效果呈正數關係。在加入性別意識型態後,若越趨向均等主義性別意識型態的中國兩性受訪者,受訪者之配偶做女性型家庭勞務分工對中國兩性受訪者的婚姻滿意度之邊際效果呈遞減的情況,此結果與相對剝奪理論相符合,文獻指出,持均等主義者,若配偶無幫忙處理烹調、房屋打掃等家務,則另一方會認為他們受到不平等的對待,此時會覺得自己的時間被剝奪了,因此則會影響公平感及婚姻滿意度。而「男性型家庭勞務分工與性別意識型態的交乘項」僅對臺灣男性的婚姻滿意度之結果有顯著影響。


In the traditional society, the main labor division was that men were breadwinners and women were housekeepers. Along with the change of society, more and more women enter the workplace. Confronting this situation, the relationship between household labor division and marital satisfaction becomes more important. The household labor division is getting more equal, but the previous study showed that even though men in household labor division has increased significantly, wives are still in charge of the majority of housework. However, some studies showed that men don’t really have none contribution in the household labor division. The research shows that men are responsible for the chores which are amorphous, fluid and free to decide the time, such as simple repairs; whereas women are responsible for the chores which are continual, repetitive and done every day, such as cooking, laundry and cleaning. Nevertheless, studies have never discussed the relationship between gendered household labor division and marital satisfaction, thus, this is our study direction which is about the effect to Taiwan and China. Additionally, some studies showed that gender ideology is an important intermediate variable between household labor division and marital satisfaction, and this variable also conveys how people express their expectations in marriage and family roles. We utilize Relative deprivation theory to explain gendered household labor division and gender ideology impact on marital satisfaction. This theory showed that when people compare their own situation with others, this will cause a sense of deprivation while finding themselves at a disadvantage. Some studies found that when husbands or wives consider that they are treated unfairly, they feel their time is deprived, and thus will affect the marital satisfaction. In this study, we compare the association of marital satisfaction with the division of gendered household labor between husbands and wives in Asia, based on Taiwan Social Change Survey and Chinese General Social Surveys in 2012. This study employs multiple linear regression analysis, ordered probit regression analysis and robust regression analysis. According to the three regression analyses mentioned above, this study is based on ordered probit regression as the final empirical results. Results show that for Taiwanese female interviewees, if women’ spouses do less female-typed household labor division, their marital satisfaction will increase. On the other side, the results of Chinese gender interview show that if their spouses do more female-typed household labor division, their marital satisfaction will also increase. Concerning the male-typed household labor division, if their spouses do more male-typed household labor division, it only has a significantly positive impact on Taiwanese men’s marital satisfaction, but has no significant impact on marital satisfaction. In terms of the gender ideology, the more egalitarian gender ideology Taiwanese and Chinese men hold, the more marital satisfaction it increases, however, gender ideology has no significant impact on Taiwanese and Chinese women’s marital satisfaction. We then consider the interaction of female-typed household labor division and gender ideology. In the case of not considering gender ideology for Taiwanese female interviewees, it shows a negative correlation between female-typed household labor division done by their spouses and the marginal effect on their marital satisfaction. After adding the gender ideology, if Taiwanese female interviewees tend to have more egalitarian gender ideology, it will show an incremental circumstance between female-typed household labor division done by their spouses and the marginal effect on their marital satisfaction. On the other hand, female-typed household labor division done by Chinese gender interviewees’ spouses to the marginal effect of interviewees’ marital satisfaction is a positive correlation in the case of not considering gender ideology. After adding the gender ideology, if Chinese female interviewees tend to have more egalitarian gender ideology, it will show a diminishing circumstance between female-typed household labor division done by their spouses and the marginal effect on their marital satisfaction. This result is consistent with the Relative deprivation theory. Study shows that, egalitarian, if their spouses don’t help them to do the chores like cooking, cleaning, etc., they will think of being treated unfairly and meanwhile they will feel their time is deprived, consequently, this can affect the sense of equality and marital satisfaction. As for the interaction of male-typed household labor division and gender ideology, it only has a significant effect on Taiwanese men’s marital satisfaction.


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