  • 學位論文


Exploring Challenges in the Partnership between NGOs and Businesses - From NGOs’ Perspective

指導教授 : 丁珮元


截至目前為止,非政府組織(NGO)(又稱非營利組織)是成長速度最快、最穩、呈倍數成長的部門型態之一。再者,由於社會貢獻對商界愈來愈重要,愈來愈多的企業都想和非營利組織締結夥伴關係。因此,本研究旨在探討非營利組織和企業之間的夥伴關係,以及夥伴關係的維繫,以期能避免在此夥伴關係之中延伸不避要的問題。 本研究主要在瞭解非營利組織和企業締結夥伴關係的原因、締結過程中必須面對的挑戰,例如,在此合作夥伴關係中可能會面臨哪些挑戰、雙方將如何因應這些挑戰,以及合作的兩造又能從此夥伴關係中學到的教訓。研究發現,企業與非營利組織對其本身組織與夥伴關係皆有不同的目的。企業目的在於賺取利潤,因此透過建立形象,提升知名度,同時透過此夥伴關係的締結,以符合並滿足社會大眾的期待與期望,進而提昇企業之營收;非營利組織成立目的在於幫助社會大眾,並且傳達非營利組織的使命與價值。在透過與企業締結夥伴關係,得以讓非營利組織爭取並獲得更多的財務支援與資源援助,進而使得非營利組織得以提供更多服務給需要幫助的社會大眾。 本研究進一步發現,非營利組織與企業在締結此夥伴關係時,其在價值、觀點、經驗或知識的考量也有所不同。非營利組織屬於非營利組織的,然而,企業則是屬於營利組織,並以謀利為目的;非營利組織是社會福利領域的專家,而企業則擅長賺取利潤。雖然這些差異是非營利組織和企業參與夥伴關係建立的原因之一,雙方仍存在著許多不同,而且因為挹注資金–企業支援專案,也可能會使得雙方的夥伴關係備受挑戰。假使企業將非營利組織視為承包商,兩方對夥伴關係出現不同預期與期望下,一旦企業欲將社會捐助計畫視為行銷手法,並且在之後欲設法回收資金的話,將使得非營利組織營運產生困境並面臨挑戰。 然而,當雙方面臨這些挑戰時,也可能有助於改善雙方之間的溝通或調解衝突,或有助於兩造找出差異、相互瞭解,藉此建立更好的夥伴關係。但是,過於嚴重的衝突會使夥伴關係瀕臨破裂,或使企業支援專案無法繼續進行。因此,夥伴關係建立後,非營利組織可從中試圖累積以下的經驗:首先,與企業締結良好的夥伴關係時,雙方都應該徹底瞭解彼此的立場、清楚表達與溝通,並且保留本身價值,使雙方之間的夥伴關係得以持續維持。第二,非營利組織必須提高自己的專業度,因為企業在社會貢獻領域愈趨專業,雙方比過去有更多機會締結夥伴關係。


NGO is one of the fastest-growing sectors as the number of NGOs has grown steadily and exponentially. Moreover, since social contribution is becoming more important for business, more and more businesses want to have a partnership with NGOs. Thus, the purpose of this research is to explore the challenges from a partnership between an NGO and a business in order to prevent potential problems in the partnership, so that they can develop a better relationship. This research has identified the different purposes that the NGO and the business have, why they join the partnership, the challenges they have to face in the process of the partnership, how the challenges affect the partnership, how they deal with the challenges, and the lessons they learn from the partnership. A business and an NGO have different purposes in their organization and also in a partnership. A business is for earning profit, so the business joins the partnership for more revenue through image making and publicity, and also to satisfy expectations from society. The purpose of an NGO is to help people and to deliver its value; thus, the NGO joins the partnership for financial support, resources, enlarging activities, and publicity, so that the NGO can help more people with the partnership. Moreover, they have other differences in value, viewpoint, and experiences or knowledge. An NGO has a spiritual value that is not measure by visible performance, but a business evaluates the result of the activities and needs a tangible outcome. An NGO is a professional in the social welfare field, and a business is good for making a profit. Although those differences is one of the reasons why the business and the NGO join the partnership, still the difference between them and their unequal relationship due to fund – the business support the project - can cause challenges in the partnership. NGOs have problems when the business treats the NGO as a subcontractor, when the business and the NGO have different expectations from the partnership, when their views of publicity are different and when the business uses the social contribution program as marketing and wants to recover the fund. These challenges can help to improve communication or adjustment skill between them, or help them recognize differences and understand each other, so that they can build a better relationship. However, a significant conflict can break down the partnership or cause the project not to be extended. An NGO sometimes challenges itself when a business participates social contribution a lot, as the NGO tries to make a better program. Therefore, after the partnership process, the NGO learned from their experiences. First, to build a good relationship with a business, both an NGO and business should understand each other’s position, communicate clearly, and retain their values to keep being good partners for each other. Second, an NGO has to improve its proficiency because businesses are becoming more professional in the social contribution area; thus, there are more opportunities to have a partnership with a business than in the past.


NGO partnership NGO and business partnership


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