  • 學位論文


Applying Dynamic Assessment to Scaffold Mathematical Ability of Junior High School Students at Resource Room Program.

指導教授 : 王文伶


本研究旨在探討不同中介教學(標準化漸進提示模式與連續性評量模式)之動態評量設計對國中資源班學生數學學習表現及遷移表現的影響。研究目的為不同動態評量模式對國中資源班學生數學學習、遷移表現之影響和動態評量模式中國中資源班學生呈現的錯誤題型與其中介教學所需的協助。 為達成上述三個研究目的,本研究採實驗設計來探討單一自變項(不同動態評量模式)對依變項(數學學習表現和遷移表現)的影響。研究對象為桃園縣國中資源班學生,其中自變項以隨機分派的方式將30位學生分為標準化漸進提示組與連續性評量組各15人,另增加自行練習的對照組學生15人以比較自變項對依變項的影響。所有學生均進行前測、後測、資源班段考與遷移測驗,並針對上述成績進行描述統計、重複量數t考驗、單因子共變數分析與單因子變異數分析來分析結果。另外,研究者再以描述統計分析學生常犯的錯誤題型與中介教學所需的協助。 研究結果發現:一、不同動態評量模式對學生的學習皆有顯著的影響且實驗組與對照組在後測與資源班段考皆達到顯著差異。二、標準化漸進提示組與連續性評量組兩者無顯著差異。三、實驗組與對照組在遷移測驗達到顯著差異,但標準化漸進提示組與連續性評量組兩者無顯著差異。四、國中資源班學生在數學上最常犯的錯誤題型為運算符號錯誤,其次為解題概念不清。五、中介教學時學生所需的協助分為兩個部分:(一)簡單回饋與讀題,(二)提供策略與執行解題。研究者據此提供相關建議。


Applying Dynamic Assessment to Scaffold Mathematical Ability of Junior High School Students at Resource Room Program The purpose of this study is to use the graduated prompting assessment, as well as the continuum of assessment, to evaluate the performances and shifting behaviors of the students enrolled in the resource room program. The three purposes are stated as the following: first, to assess the students’ mathematics learning at resource room program. Secondly, to assess the students’ mathematics transfer learning at resource room program. Lastly, to evaluate the most error type of the junior high school students at resource room program and the help they need. The research design focused on the covariance between the independent variable (in accordance with various dynamic assessment models) and the dependent variable (the performances of mathematical learning and the shifting behaviors). The object of this study was the group of students enrolled in the resource room program at junior high schools in the Taoyuan county. The independent variable was a group of up to 30 students selected randomly and then grouped evenly under graduated prompting assessment and continuum of assessment model. An additional experimental group was also introduced to assess the impact of the independent variable on the dependent variable. All the performance of the selected students were subjected under pretest, posttest, delayed posttest and transfer test. The results were further analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test (repeated measures), one-way ANCOVA and one-way ANOVA. The help students need to correct the often committed mistakes is also analyzed. The findings of this research are presented as what follows: first, different dynamic assessment models are useful for mathematics learning at resource room program and significant differences between pretest and posttest with graduated prompting assessment model and continuum of assessment model exist. Secondly, there appears to have been no difference between graduated prompting assessment group and continuum of assessment group. Thirdly, the experimental group performed better transfer test than the control group. There are no difference between graduated prompting assessment and continuum of assessment. Forth, the most error type of the junior high school students at resource room program is the operator symbol mistake; what comes after that is the problem of unclear problem-solving concepts. Fifth, the help of teaching can be divided into two parts. The first is the easy feedback and question reading; the other one is tactics supply and answer demonstration. Finally, according to the results of this study, suggestions for education and further studies.


張其高(1998)。國中生活科技動態評量教學單元設計。生活科技教育,31(11), 25-30。
