  • 學位論文


The Effect of Employment Relationship on Workplace Deviance Behavior:The Mediating Effect of Employee Cynicism and The Moderating Effect of Trust Trait

指導教授 : 郭建志


摘要 近年來受到全球化競爭趨勢的影響,組織為了因應環境變動而必須採取各項措施(如人力彈性上的運用),以提升組織的競爭優勢,而使得員工對於組織、主管之間關係產生改變。因此,了解員工與組織、員工與主管的關係好壞,成為企業與研究者關心的議題。本研究試圖了解當員工知覺到雇用關係不佳情況時,是如何影響員工的負向態度及行為的展現,即當員工知覺到心理契約違反或與主管關係品質不佳時,對員工犬儒主義與職場偏差行為之影響。再則,除了探討雇用關係的情境因素會影響員工犬儒主義產生,並進一步展現出職場偏差行為,從個人因素的角度來看,員工的誠信人格特質多寡亦可能強化員工犬儒主義的形成。本研究採用便利性抽樣的調查方式,並使用對偶設計之問卷法收集資料,受試者為一般企業的員工,總共收回了411筆資料。研究結果發現:(1)當員工知覺到雇用關係不佳(心理契約違反、主管關係品質不佳)時,確實會影響員工犬儒主義產生。(2)員工犬儒主義影響自評的整體性職場偏差行為,即當員工有越多的犬儒主義產生時,員工展現出較多的職場偏差行為來平衡心理不舒服狀態。(3)不論是自評或他評的迴歸分析結果,雇用關係會透過員工犬儒主義的中介效果來影響人際面職場偏差行為。(4)在結構模型結果中,控制共同方法變易的問題後,員工犬儒主義會中介雇用關係與人際面、組織面職場偏差行為之間關係。(5)在自評方面,員工的誠信性格具有調節雇用關係(心理契約違反、主管關係品質不佳)與員工犬儒主義之關係,說明在雇用關係較佳時,相對於誠信性格較低的員工,誠信性格較高的員工會降低員工犬儒主義的產生;然而,在雇用關係不佳時,相對於誠信性格較低的員工,誠信性格較高的員工會強化員工犬儒主義的產生。最後,根據本研究結果,進一步討論並且說明管理上的意涵、未來研究方向及研究限制。


In recent years, due to the trend of global competitions, organizations must take some measures, such as the use of personnel elasticity, to elevate the competitive advantages of organizations for coping with environmental changes. This also pushes the relationships among employees, employers, and organizations to be changed. Therefore, to understand the relationships among them is becoming the issue that enterprises and researchers care about. The aim of this study is that when employees perceive bad situations of employment relationships, how employees’ negative attitudes and behaviors would be affected. That is, when employees perceive their psychological contracts have been violated or the bad situations of the relationships with their employers, it would affect employee cynicism and workplace deviance behaviors. Besides, to investigate the employment relationships’ situational factors would affect employee cynicism and workplace deviance behaviors, from the personal factors, the degree of employees’ trust trait may strengthen the formation of cynicism. The study adopted the convenient sampling and the paired design. The participants are from ordinary firms and 411 of them are valid sample. The research findings are: (1) when employees perceived the bad employment relationships, for example, the psychological contract breach, and the bad quality of employers’ relationships, it definitely would affect the generation of employees cynicism. (2) employee cynicism would affect self evaluations of the overall workplace deviance behaviors, that is, when employees had more cynicism, they would performed more workplace deviance behaviors to balance their psychological discomfort. (3) regardless of regression analysis of self or other evaluations, employment relationships would affect interpersonally workplace deviance behaviors through the mediate effect of employee cynicism. (4) From structure equation modeling, employee cynicism mediated the relationships among employment relationships, interpersonally and organizationally workplace deviance behaviors. (5) About self-evaluations, employees’ trust trait moderated employment relationships (psychological contract breach and the bad quality of employers’ relationships) and employee cynicism. While employees who have higher level of trust traits and the employment is better, the generation of employee cynicism would be reduced, in opposition to those who have lower level of trust traits. However, while the employment relationship is bad and employees who have higher level of trust traits, they would intensify their cynicism, in opposition to those who have lower level of trust traits. Finally, according to the results, it will have further discussion and description of the content of management, future research direction and limitation of this study.




