  • 學位論文


An Experimental Study of Tin Whisker Growth in IC Assembly Green Package Plating Process

指導教授 : 項衛中


綠色無鉛產品的時代已經來臨,由於無鉛封裝電鍍純錫製程的導入將會產生錫鬚,若鬚鬚長度超過接腳的間距將碰觸到兩旁接腳,造成IC的短路進而使整個產品電性失效。本論文將探討IC封裝電鍍製程對錫鬚生長之影響,在不同的可靠度實驗環境下進行錫鬚測試以探討錫鬚生長的因子,並利用「實驗計劃法」做為實驗規劃及進行的依循,尋找出影響錫鬚之顯著因子及影響。經本論文研究可知SOP及QFN封裝產品實驗中,電鍍厚度和烘烤溫度為顯著因子,機器已使用壽命為非顯著因子。QOP封裝產品實驗設計中電鍍厚度和烘烤溫度為顯著因子,且電鍍厚度和機器已使用壽命的交互作用為顯著。當考慮SOP、 QFP、QFN三種封裝產品為區集的因子時,電鍍厚度及烘烤時間皆為顯著因子,機器已使用壽命及所有兩因子間的交互作用皆為不顯著,並且區集因子本身也為不顯著。 關鍵字: 電鍍純錫製程, 錫鬚測試,實驗設計法


The electronic industry has to consider using lead-free soldering process due to the worldwide environmental concern. One of the lead-free alternatives is the pure tin process which has gained increasing interests; however, pure-tin plated terminals may be subject to the growth of tin whiskers. Tin whiskers could cause short circuit in electronic products and lose efficacy of the products. This paper studied green package plating process on the effect of tin whisker growth in IC assembly. The procedures of the experimental design were followed to test whisker growths in different reliability experiments for three different IC packages. Three factors were considered in the experiments and they were plating thickness, baking temperature, and machine year. Three levels of each factor were included in this study, and twenty nine tests for each IC package. From the experimental results, the ANOVA was calculated on Minitab for each IC package. The analysis shows that for SOP and QFN packages, plating thickness and baking temperature are significant. For QFP package product, plating thickness and baking temperature are significant, and the interaction between plating thickness and machine year is also significant. If SOP, QFP, and QFN packages are considered as the blocking factor, plating thickness and baking temperature are significant, but the blocking factor is not significant. This result is a good reference for IC assembly industry in considering implementing green package processes. Keyword : Pure Tin Process,Design of Experiment,Tin Whisker Test


Tin W Design of Experiment Pure Tin Process


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