  • 學位論文

東海岸原住民文創聚落創新發展空間規劃研究 -以花蓮靜浦職人工藝館為例

The Study for Innovation Development of Taiwan East Coast Aboriginal Cultural Settlement – A Case Study of Hualian’ s Jingpu Craftsmen Hall

指導教授 : 魏主榮




In the Binfeng Township, Hualian County, Jingpu tribe was constituted by the autochthon Pangcah. The rich estuary ecology facilitates the tribe by the fishery primarily, which is different with other tribes. Because the Jingpu tribe near the estuary that obtains fishing goods conveniently, they use the rubber raft and the fishing net to catch fish easily. Surrounding of the sea and mountain is the geographical features of the Jingpu tribe. The tourist information station locates between Taitung and Hualian, passengers can stay here as a midway rest spot. In general, Changhong bridge, the tourist information station and the characteristic restaurants are the tribe scenic spots.There were many drift woods after natural disaster, the craftsman reuses the drift wood to create different handicraft. Some of the handicrafts such as Malang and Joanne, even award the international competitions. They also develop own studio, but does not have the space and opportunity for the interaction between the craftsman and passengers.In the tribe, low work demand causes the outflow of young population seriously. The population decline year by year. For this problem, the establishment of craftsman craft hall is necessary at first. The location of hall will be built near to the tourist information station and the characteristic restaurants. Passengers can go through them. Therefore, the economy of the tribe can be improved. The space for the communication of craftsman and passengers was settled inside the craftsmen craft hall. Thus, the work opportunity will be increased. The improvement of young population simultaneously encourages the development of Jingpu tribe that forms the sustainable management.


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5. 呂憶君﹙2007﹚,〈海祭、身體實踐︰花蓮港口阿美的海岸空間〉,未出版碩士論 文,國立清華大學人類學研究所,新竹市。
7. 黃惠玲(2008)。《藝術文化活動作為體驗經濟的實踐向度--以誠品為例》。
