  • 學位論文


The Aesthetic Evaluation on Traditional Taiwan Cotton Prints

指導教授 : 劉時泳


近年來,台灣花布的熱潮因此風行全台,經常被拿來使用,規模不管是大型文化活動場域的佈置到空間設計、服裝設計、公共藝術甚至是台灣特色產品包裝以及文宣海報上,都能看到它的蹤跡,台灣花布已經跳脫了過去傳統的使用範疇,成為了一種地方特色與文化象徵的符碼,「台灣花布」這個大家從小到大共有的記憶,在其本身具有的獨特圖案及色彩,形成了易於辨識的視覺文化符碼,儼然成為台灣文化的代表圖騰。當台灣花布成為台灣文化的新符號之後,其族群認同是如何?台灣花布的美感評量又是如何?本研究針對這些問題進行探索與分析。具體而言,本研究目的主要包括:探討台灣花布美感方面的評量其構成因素與各因素之屬性與特徵以及比較並分析國內一般民眾對於台灣花布在美感因素之評量上的差異。 本研究為一心理計量的實徵性研究,將採「相關研究法」,以台灣花布之彩色圖片為測量工具,以國內一般民眾為研究對象,問卷調查結果將進行信度分析、探索性因素分析、描述性統計、差異檢定等,並以德懷術及專家會議法解讀「美感評量」個因素之屬性與特徵。本研究最後將根據研究結果,提出對台灣花布賦予新的美學觀,讓現代藝術、現代設計與台灣生活美學相互連結,希望透過對於傳統生活的現代關注,找出新品味的族群文化意義,以做為台灣文化推廣、設計實務以及學術上研究之考。


台灣花布 美感評量


Recently, the trend of Traditional Taiwan Cotton Prints is all around in Taiwan. They are used in different ways from the public cultural activities to space designs、costume designs public installations and even the products of Taiwanese culture and posters. It is different from the usages of traditional ways and becomes one kind of local characteristic and cultural symbol. Because the unique patterns and colors, “Traditional Taiwan Cotton Prints“ the common memory in Taiwan has become the easy to be identified symbol of visual culture. When Traditional Taiwan Cotton Prints become the new symbol of Taiwan culture, what’s the reorganization of the groups in Taiwan? How about the aesthetic valuation? According to the subjects, this study will do the research and analysis. Specifically, the purposes of this study are: Investigating the factors of the aesthetic evaluation on traditional Taiwan cotton prints and the features of these factors and Comparing and analysis the difference on aesthetic evaluation on traditional Taiwan cotton prints of the people in Taiwan. This study is a study of psychological empirical aesthetics using “correlational research”, the color photographs as research tool and the public in Taiwan as the research object. The result of questionnaire investigating will be provided Reliability, Factor Analysis, T-test and using Delphi Technique and Focus Groups to interpret the features of the factors of aesthetic evaluation. Finally, According to the conclusion of the study the new aesthetics of traditional Taiwan cotton prints will be suggested and make the modern art, modern design and the new life aesthetics are connected. Hoping that by the new concerning to traditional life, find out the new taste of meanings of ethnic culture that can be used in popularizing Taiwanese culture, the practices of design and academic research.


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