  • 學位論文

台灣印刷電路板產業經營策略之研究 -以C公司評估越南投資為例

A study of Business Strategies in Taiwanese Printed Circuit Board Industry - A case study of C Company Investment Assessment in Vietnam

指導教授 : 秦宗春 博士


我國印刷電路板業者自1993年後因經濟不景氣、工資高漲、環保法規標準提高的潮流下,台灣印刷電路板業者已經慢慢地將生產基地由台灣轉移到中國大陸。但是近年來,中國大陸由於環保意識抬頭以及勞動合同法的實施等生產條件的惡化,使得印刷電路板業者開始找尋可替代中國大陸的越南來投資。而印刷電路板產業面臨如此轉變下,印刷電路板業者應如何採取有效的競爭策略以因應快速變遷的產業環境並且增加企業獲利的機會。 本研究經由相關文獻、資料的蒐集分析和個案研究等質化研究方法來探討台灣印刷電路板產業之經營投資策略。首先運用Porter的五力競爭模式分析,來了解印刷電路板產業的結構與競爭因素,接著利用SWOT分析來分析個案C公司之內、外部環境,了解個案公司之優勢與劣勢,之後根據產業國際化相關理論來探討個企業對外投資策略,最後以實際案例來研究個案公司如何評估赴越南投資事宜。 研究發現越南除了擁有眾多誘因吸引企業赴越南投資之外,並且發現越南也有一些令投資者望之卻步的理由,例如:越南的基礎建設落後、環保標準較東南亞國家高、行政效率不足、人治色彩濃厚、勞工不足、市場開放不足、地價高漲及設廠土地漸少等不利因素,因此目前的越南並非適合該公司前往,因此建議企業赴越南投資前應審慎評估。


Because of the economic recession, rise of average wages, trend toward higher standard of environmental law, Taiwan’s Printed Circuit Board (PCB) has shifted its production base to Mainland China since 1993. However, the awareness of environmental production and the implementation of Labor Contract Law that has forced the PCB industry to look for Vietnam as an alternation place to invest. This research is based on document analysis and case study to investigate the investment strategy of Taiwanese PCB industry. The analysis is based on Porter’s competitive model to understand the structure and competitive factors of the PCB industry. How the industry adopts effective competitive strategy to respond to the rapid changing industrial environment and to increase profitability has become an important issue. Next, an analysis of C Company’s internal, external environment, and its investment strategies. Last, the assessment of its investment in Vietnam is studied. The research finds that despite several attractiveness for business to invest in Vietnam, there are also shortcomings for investors such as: underdeveloped infrastructure, higher environmental standard, inefficient administration, governance is not phased on law, the lack of labor, not enough market openness, higher land price and the lack of industrial law. As a reset, the C Company is halting its investment decision. The findings suggest that company must carefully assess its investment decision in Vietnam.


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