  • 學位論文


Beyond Preservation - The Research of Problem-Based Learning Applied in the Education of Cultural Heritage Conservation

指導教授 : 林曉薇


臺灣文化資產保存工作經過30多年的階段性發展,向外連結上不同領域之專業,使文化資產在維護及再利用呈現多樣性的發展潛力。若期孕育更多具發展性、創新的維護方式出現,是需要不同專業者對彼此的尊重及合作共識。 為提供一個回歸至「文化資產」的溝通平台,讓不同對象在相同基礎上對話,本研究以「教育」作為改善文化資產維護工作的契機。而臺灣當前多以保存(Preservation)技術導向的文化資產保存教育,使學習者難以銜接現階段的維護(Conservation)工作。因此,本研究採取在教育領域實行多年、具系統性的「問題本位學習」作為改善教育內容之教學方式。 問題本位學習是以真實情境延伸問題為中心的教學方式,幫助學習者聚焦於「文化資產活化及再利用」問題。由於它驅動自主學習、學習環境的包容性及統整性高,以及接近實務操作等教學特色,並導入利害關係人及專業知識講座,讓學習者面對最初模糊、開放式問題而延伸出多元切入點的發散式成果;幫助學習者體認到文化資產維護上是需要多元專業者的相互配合才能呈現出其價值的多樣性。 本研究發現強調思考解題的「問題本位學習」教學思維,提供文化資產保存教育一個系統化、邏輯性的教學架構,讓本具備跨越多元專業的文化資產保存教育內容,通過學習過程檢視、釐清,讓學習者明白當中不同的可能性,進而培養出開放態度來接納、思考文化資產的多元化價值。 運用三個真實案例的參與操作分析,本研究導入利害關係人形成的「多元化的知識產出脈絡」,使教學過程符合問題本位學習提倡接近現實生活的問題情境中,也更接近文化資產的多元本質。顯示問題本位學習運用於文化資產保存教育的高度發展性。並提出適用於「文化資產保存教育」的「問題本位學習」框架,以提供未來教學的參考及發展基礎。


The conservation of cultural heritage in Taiwan has been through several stages in the past 30 years. The connection between different professionals creates the potential of diverse development. Thus, if we look forward to having more creative and innovative methods of conservation, we will need the consensus among different professionals on respect for others. This research focuses on the application of education method (PBL) on cultural heritage conservation. Due to the current content of the education of cultural heritage conservation had oriented toward preservation; it leads learners to engage in the practical work of conservation with great difficulty. Therefore, this research takes the systematical approach of “problem-based learning (PBL)” which has been used in education field to improve the teaching situation on cultural heritage conservation. The benefit of using PBL on cultural heritage education because it is a teaching method which derives from the real life-based problem. It helps learners put emphasis on the problem of “revitalization and adaptive reuse of cultural heritage”. The features of PBL, including self-directed learning, flexible and integrative learning environment, and close to real life, etc. are particularly useful for cultural heritage education as it introduces “stakeholders” and “knowledgeable lectures” into this research, making participants face an ill-structured problem to develop diverse and divergent outcomes. By this way, it helps learners to realize the inevitability of cooperation among different professionals is the key point to represent the multivalent of cultural heritage. This research found out that PBL approach which creates a systematical and logical instruction structure to help learners realize that the education of cultural heritage conservation involving different professions. Through the learning process, it cultivates an open attitude to face the diverse values and to create different possibilities for learners. By participating and analyzing 3 practical projects, this research brings stakeholders to form “contextual production of diverse knowledge”, making the ill-structured problem of PBL process close to the reality and essence of cultural heritage. The result reveals the great values of PBL applied in the education of cultural heritage conservation. In addition, it provides a useful framework of PBL in the education of cultural heritage conservation.


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