  • 學位論文


The Alternate and Conflict Between Reform Church and Catholic Church in North Formosa in 17th Century

指導教授 : 吳昶興




When most people think of Taiwan’s history, they find a blurry line at the moment contact with western culture began. In western history Formosa is not a total stranger to colonizing empires. We want to sort out our own history aside from a European point of view, and want to try to recover our own view of Taiwan’s early history from ancient documents. The Dutch and Spanish motivations for colonization were very different; theological stands and economic considerations. Even these two countries mission group members were so very different. This caused different situations and ways of managing the colony. Even though the Dutch and Spanish have Christianity as their same belief, during the 17th century a conflict between these two countries occurred. During 1624-1642 Dutch and Spanish invested greatly monetarily and with labor in the development of Formosa. They wanted to build a Christian colony overseas.


dutch span mission Christianity Formosa aboriginal 17th century


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