  • 學位論文


An Action Research of Intergrating Picture Books into Early Children’s Learning of Mathematics Learning of Mathematics

指導教授 : 袁媛


本研究旨在透過行動研究歷程,運用繪本融入數學概念學習的教學歷程,並探討其對幼兒學習之影響與行動教師的專業成長,研究對象為研究者任教班級之14名幼兒園大班,透過繪本教學紀實與教學省思、幼兒學習單、課程發展會議紀錄與幼兒數學能力表現之軼事紀錄等蒐集相關資料,並進行資料的整理與分析,得出結論如下: 一、運用繪本融入數學概念學習之課程設計與教學歷程中,在教學的安排宜著重簡易到困難的數學概念鋪陳與發展;在繪本運用上,應以單一數學概念鋪陳,運用兩次導讀進行教學。 二、在繪本的選擇與延伸活動中,故事情節應融入幼兒的生活經驗或喜愛活動, 有助於幼兒數學概念的理解與學習,也能讓幼兒主動探索與數學相關的知識。 三、運用繪本融入數學概念的教學實踐中,應搭配多元且有趣的教學活動,提升幼兒的學習意願,讓學習更加事半功倍。 四、透過文獻探討和研究團隊的討論,在研究過程中,安排合宜的情境、設計與思考適合幼兒的學習課程與教學活動,除了引導幼兒進行有意義的學習,同時有助於教學觀點的創新與專業能力的成長。


繪本 幼兒 數學概念 行動研究


The study applied an action research to explore the impact on early children’s learning and researcher’s profession growth by integrating picture books into mathematics teaching. The objects of the research are 14 kindergarten students. Based on gathering and analyzing relative data, such as Picture Books Teaching Record,teacher’s Reflections, Early Children Learning Record, Course Developing Meeting Receord, and Early Children’s Numerical Skills Performance Record, the researcher draws conclusions as below. 1.While integrating picture books into mathematics teaching, it is better to present mathematics content from the easiness to the difficulty, The application of picture books sould focus on single mathematical concept each time, and read through the picture books twice to help early children understand the content. 2. While selecing picture books and designing extensive activities, a teacher should consider picture books combined with early children’s life experience and activities loved by early children. These considerations can help early children understand mathematical concept and motivate early children actively explore knowledge related to mathematics. 3. While integrating picture books into mathematics teaching, a techer should design diverse and interesting activities to improve early children’s willing of learning and to yield twice the result with half the effort. 4. Through literature reviews, and discussions with researchers group, the researcher tried to arrage appropriate learning environment, and design instructional activities for early children. It is found that the researcher not only helps early children learn mathematics effectively, but it also facilitate the researcher’s establish teaching prospective and improve profession growth.


