  • 學位論文


Development Process of the Long-Standing Traditional Baked Industry— A Case Study of Jiu Zhen Nan Taiwan Traditional Baked

指導教授 : 潘江東


台灣糕餅文化隨著福建、廣東先民渡海來台跟著飄洋過海,自然地便沿襲著先民原鄉舊俗與生活形態,從生命禮儀至歲時祭典,無一不與糕餅息息相關。台灣糕餅文化發展至今已有幾百年歷史,從開店發展之初至今日的開枝散葉,其實是有跡可尋的,許多百年老店必經過這段風華歲月,此段歲月亦彰顯台灣飲食文化的一環。   糕餅文化發展至今日,已受到前所未有的西式糕餅衝擊,以致全台留下百年糕餅老店實屬不多,而為何舊振南餅店仍可維持百年而屹立不搖,並在南部地區享有一定盛名與地位?本論文採個案研究法,使用之研究工具為訪談與文獻資料之蒐集,著重產業個案活動歷程之記錄與分析,非統計上之績效分析,不適合用以推論至其他相關產業之範疇,是為本研究之限制。   本研究將影響舊振南餅店之時空變遷,分為內部與外部因素,外部因素則從糕餅產業在台灣之時空變遷談起,進一步將焦點縮小至南部地區;內部因素之討論範圍則是企業文化對個案之影響。最後以全台六家同為百年糕餅老店與舊振南餅店比較與分析。研究發現,台灣地區的糕餅產業變遷,其實受外部經濟層面影響甚鉅,以舊振南餅店來說,歷經一百多個年頭的洗滌與焠鍊,其遷移與時空對應上,是隨著南部區域的發展變化而遷移的,亦受到整體環境影響隨之起伏;於內部企業文化方面,鮮明的企業文化,對舊振南餅店有著正面加持效應。比較全台百年糕餅老店,其之所以傳承百年,多是跟隨著時代進步並調整自身之腳步,且「定位」、「品牌管理」與「持續研發創新」是百年傳承立於不敗之地之重點部分。   建立鮮明良好之企業文化,有助於建立企業品牌之識別標幟與有利於百年傳承,且無論是否強調「傳賢不傳子」,以「適才適任」加上健全的經營管理制度,才是傳承老店的重點原因。


Introduced by ancestors from Fujian and Guangdong, the traditional baked culture in Taiwan was inherent from our ancestors’ hometown traditions and lifestyles. The traditional baked culture can be seen in almost all events, from annual rituals to important events of life. It has a history of more than a hundred years on this land. From strenuous start-up to expansion of branch stores, many old pastry stores have gone through this process of business development, which also highlights the importance of traditional baked in Taiwan’s dietary culture. In recent years, Taiwan’s traditional baked culture has been severely impacted by the development of western bakery and pastry stores in Taiwan. Only a small number of old Taiwan traditional baked stores have survived. Jiu Zhen Nan Taiwan Traditional Baked is one of them. Why can it sustain for more than a hundred years and enjoy considerable reputation in southern Taiwan? Based on the case research method, this paper collected data from interview and previous literature to analyze the development process and activities of the pastry industry. As performance analysis was not the focus of this paper, the derived results might not be used to infer development of other industries. This was the main limitation of this research.   In this study, factors affecting Jiu Zhen Nan Taiwan Traditional Baked development were divided into internal and external factors. The external factors were explored from the development of the traditional baked industry in Taiwan and then more specifically in southern areas of Taiwan. The internal factors were discussed with a focus on the effects of corporate culture. At last, a comparison of Jiu Zhen Nan Taiwan Traditional Baked with six long-standing pastry stores was conducted. Findings suggested that the development of the traditional baked industry in Taiwan has been significantly influenced by external factors in the economic dimension. In Jiu Zhen Nan Taiwan Traditional Baked's development over more than a hundred years, its movements were mainly affected by development of southern regions, and its business also fluctuated with the overall business climate. Internally, Jiu Zhen Nan Taiwan Traditional Baked was positively affected by its distinct corporate culture. The comparison of old traditional baked stores around Taiwan showed that most of these stores could sustain for more than a hundred years mainly because of their adaptation to modern trends and engagement in “positioning”, “brand management”, and “continuous innovation”. Developing a positive and distinct corporate culture is essential for branding and sustainability. No matter the owners stress “handing down the business to the capable rather than the heir”, their success has been built upon “putting the right person in the right position” and a sound management system.


黃銘永(2002)。台灣烘焙業品牌形象建構之研究。未出版碩士論文,中原大學,  桃園縣。


