  • 學位論文


A Study of Career Path Planning for

指導教授 : 李大偉


我國國際觀光旅館家數成長快速,但人員流動率過高,專業人才培育困難,因此,本研究針對國內國際觀光旅館的新進員工生涯路徑規劃的議題進行研究,主要研究目的有:(一)探討國際觀光旅館於新進員工生涯路徑規劃時,組織及員工二種不同立場下所考量的因素,並比較二者差異。(二)探討國際觀光旅館進行新進員工生涯路徑規劃所持的策略及具體措施。(三)瞭解國際觀光旅館實施新進員工生涯路徑規劃的成效、衡量指標,以及影響成效之原因。 本研究採用文獻探討、深度訪談及問卷調查三種研究方法,調查對象為人力資源部門主管與旅館員工。重要研究結論為:(一) 國際觀光旅館於新進員工生涯路徑規劃時,組織與員工二者所考量的因素不盡相同。(二) 國際觀光旅館員工對於新進員工生涯路徑規劃考量因素的認同度會受其性別、年齡、學歷、婚姻狀況、年資、任職部門及職位等個人屬性的影響。(三) 國際觀光旅館實施新進員工生涯路徑規劃措施的目的,主要是為了降低員工流動率。(四) 國際觀光旅館實施新進員工生涯路徑規劃措施的類型以教育與訓練、實施發展計劃及提供組織內部生涯發展資訊為主。(五) 對於國際觀光旅館實施新進員工生涯路徑規劃措施的成效,組織與員工的認知存有落差。(六) 國際觀光旅館推動生涯路徑規劃的關鍵成功因素為最高主管支持、各部門主管支持與配合,以及員工認同。(七) 升遷機會同時為員工對於生涯路徑規劃的滿意及不滿意的主要原因。


This study was focused on researching career path planning of new employees at international tourist hotels in Taiwan. There were three purposes: (1) to analyze the considered factors between the organization and employees while planning the career path for the new employees; (2) to analyze the strategies and measures, which have been applied of career path planning for new employees at international tourist hotels; (3) to analyze the effects, measurement indicators, and key successful factors carrying out career path planning. The study was accomplished through interview, questionnaire survey and documentary reference. Major conclusions have been conducted as follows: 1.The considered factors of career path planning, which are concerned by the organization, are different from the new employees. 2.The considered factors, which are concerned by new employees while planning the career path, are varied due to the sex, age, academic credentials, marital status, service seniority, department and position. 3.The objective for the international tourist hotel carried out the career path planning is to lower the employee turnover percentage. 4.The career path planning is categorized in training, implementation of the development plan and the information providence of career development. 5.With regard to the results of implementing career path planning, there was a cognitive gap between organization and employees. 6.The key successful factors of career path planning are getting the support of the general manager or CEO, internal cooperation, and the identification of employees. 7.The chance of promotion is also the main reason of employees’ satisfaction and dissatisfaction at the same time.


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