  • 學位論文


A study on Human Resource Development in Taipei City and Taipei County Junior High Schools

指導教授 : 張明輝 Chang Ming-Huei


摘要 本研究旨在探討臺北縣市國民中學人力資源發展的重要程度與實施現況,針對其推動的困難,進一步研擬學校人力資源發展的因應措施。本研究之目的為:一、了解臺北縣市國民中學人力資源發展的重要程度。二、了解臺北縣市國民中學人力資源發展的實施現況、相關問題與因應措施。三、分析臺北縣市國民中學人力資源發展的重要程度與實施現況的差異情形。四、根據研究結果提出結論與建議,以供國民中學人力資源發展之參考。 為達上述研究目的,本研究採用問卷調查法與訪談法進行研究,首先蒐集與研讀相關文獻,建立本研究之理論架構,編製「臺北縣市國民中學人力資源發展之調查問卷」,作為調查研究工具,針對臺北縣市國民中學之校長、教師兼主任或組長、教師兼導師、專任教師及行政人員進行調查,採分層隨機抽樣方式,抽取36所國民中學,共發出685份問卷,回收問卷計461份,剔除填答不全等無效問卷36份,總計有效問卷為425份,問卷回收率達62.04%。本研究以SPSS for Windows 13.0統計套裝軟體進行資料登錄與分析;其次,以自編之半結構訪談大綱,對二位國民中學校長及二位教務主任,共計四位進行訪談。 綜合文獻探討、調查研究與訪談研究發現,獲得下列十項結論: 一、整體而言,臺北縣市國民中學人員認為人力資源發展屬於中高度重要 性,其中以「知識管理」層面最重要,「生涯發展」層面最不重要。 二、整體而言,臺北縣市國民中學人員認為人力資源發展的整體實施現況 屬於中度符合程度,其中以「訓練與發展」層面最符合,「生涯發展」 層面最不符合。 三、國民中學人力資源發展的重要程度與實施現況之間有差異存在。 四、整體而言,不同服務年資與職務之學校成員對學校人力資源發展重要 程度的知覺並無顯著差異。 五、整體而言,不同服務年資、職務之學校成員對學校人力資源發展實施 現況的知覺達顯著差異。 六、不同學校地區與學校規模的學校成員對學校人力資源發展的知覺情形 未達顯著差異。 七、教師訓練與發展之成效尚稱良好。 八、教師生涯發展、知識管理、資訊科技運用與績效管理等層面,仍有加 強與改進的空間。 九、國民中學人力資源發展的主要困境為「教育訓練課程缺乏系統性的規 劃」。 十、國民中學人力資源發展的主要因應措施為「教育訓練課程能有系統性 的規劃」。 另研究者依據本研究所獲之結論,研究者針對教育行政主管機關、學校單位、教師及未來研究者提出相關建議。 關鍵字:國民中學;人力資源發展


Abstract The main purpose of this study was to investigate the importance, fact and their differences about human resource development of junior high schools, and to understand the difficulties and strategies of human resource development. The purposes of this study are (1) to understand the importance about human resource development of junior high schools of Taipei city and Taipei country. (2) to understand the fact, difficulties and strategies about human resource development of junior high schools. (3) to analyze the differences about human resource development of junior high schools.(4) to provide suggestions for junior high schools. The methods adopted for the research was questionnaire survey and interview. First, based on the results drawn from the literature review, a questionnaire named” The questionnaire for human resource development of junior high schools of Taipei city and Taipei country” was developed. Questionnaires were delivered to 36 schools in Taipei areas in the form of multistage sampling. 461 out of 685 questionnaires sent out were effective. The statistics software tool used for the questionnaire analysis was the SPSS for Windows version 13.0. Second, two principals of junior high school and two administrators were chosen to be interviewed in the way of semi-structure interview. The main conclusions of this study are as follows: 1.Generally speaking, the importance of human resource development is medium-high. 2.Generally speaking, The fact of human resource development is medium. 3.The fact of human resource development is different from the importance perceived by junior high schools. 4.The awareness of the importance about human resource development in school of teacher isn’t affected by teaching year and current position. 5.The awareness of the fact about human resource development in school of teacher is affected by teaching year and current position. 6.School location and school size have not influence on human resource development. 7.Training and development has been already implemented. 8.“Career development”, ”knowledge management”, “information technology” and “performance management” should be strengthened. 9.The main difficulties about human resource development of junior high schools is “training and development curriculum wasn’t planed in a more systematic way”. 10.The main strategy about human resource development of junior high schools is ” to plan training and development curriculum in a more systematic way” According to the research outcomes, the researcher provides suggestions to educational authorities, schools, teachers , as well as future relative researches. Key words:junior high school;human resource development




