  • 學位論文


A developing progress of Sun Shine High School as the e-learning innovative school.

指導教授 : 游進年


本研究旨在探討朝陽高中以資訊科技融入,帶動教學創新,發展為「e化創新學校」的歷程。e化創新學校源於未來學校,自2005年7月,微軟公司宣佈世界第一所「未來學校」-中崙高中,其後,臺北市、高雄市及臺南市皆設立未來學校。目前此一階段的未來學校,為有別於第一階段的未來學校,概稱為e化創新學校。 本研究採質性研究,並藉由訪談法、觀察法及文件分析法,以達成研究目的。在個案訪談方面,以半結構式進行訪談,訪談對象包括教師4人、行政人員3人、學生19人。 本研究得到的結論如下: 一、朝陽高中發展e化創新學校之緣由為:老舊的社區高中有必要大翻身、選擇「未來學校」的發展模式以達成學校創新的目標、教師教學改變的自覺已成熟、以e化創新教學推動教育的革新、型塑創新經營願景「朝陽2.0」。 二、朝陽高中發展e化創新學校之經營策略為:立基於設計哲學、成立團隊及組織再造、建置資訊融入教學的環境、辦理教師成長訓練、創發教學與課程逐步推展。 三、朝陽高中發展e化創新學校面臨問題為:創新經營的阻礙、推展資訊科技融入教學讓教師產生許多疑惑、傳統教學空間改造為資訊傳播科技充裕的教學環境的挑戰、專題導向式課程困難度高、教師團隊一直感受行政支援不足、e化創新從點推展到線與面的問題。 四、朝陽高中e化創新過程中的問題因應策略為:克服阻礙,化阻力為助力、設法解答教師的疑惑、將傳統教學空間改造為資訊傳播科技充裕的教學環境、努力推展專題導向式課程、改善行政支援不足的問題、將e化創新推展為全面性的教學革新運動。目前困難仍待解決的是:專題導向式課程困難度高、核心團隊教師減課的問題已超出學校解決的限度。而教學革新運動才剛起頭,後續推展結果,有待觀察。 五、依據研究結論,本研究對教育行政機關、個案學校、其他學校及未來研究提出建議。


The purpose of this research was aimed at developing progress of Sun Shine High School as the e-learning innovative school.It is based on transferring Taipei’s Sunshine High School into an electronic learning school with the help of new information and technology. The future of school was a forerunner of the e-learning innovative school,it was introduced by the Microsoft Company when announcing the first “School of the Future, Zhong Lun High School”, after that more Schools of the Future born in Taipei City, Kaohsiung City and Tainan City. At the moment of the development of Future Schools, it is still different than from the first stage which is called electronic learning innovative schools. The main methods of this study are the data analysis, interview and observation to achieve this purpose. On the individuals, we use a half interview structure form on four teachers, three administrative and also 19 students. The conclusions of this research are as follows: 1.The purpose of Sun Shine High School becoming an e-learning school is because that old community high school should be renewed by choosing to become one of the “School of Future ”as the new model of the objective, also with the maturing teaching attitudes of the teacher’s, and promoting the e-learning education of the “Sun Shine High School 2.0.” 2.With the basic of design philosophy, establish a team of new organizations, building information into the teaching environment, also having a teacher development training process, and step by step creating the curriculum of teaching. 3.When creating new methods during the managing, the problems that we face could confuse the teachers and students. By changing the traditional teaching method into the new way of adding new information communication and technology, it would become a big challenge to Project Based Learning . When the teachers feel that they don’t get enough support from the administrative group, the e-learning development would face its problem. 4.The strategies for the e-learning process is to overcome the problems, let the obstruction become a helping force, try to solve the problems that question the teachers. Change the environment of the traditional learning spaces into a space with rich sources of technology, put effort into promoting the projects and improve the problems that are accruing in the administrative group; letting the e-learning be widely spread into the educational world. The difficulty that still needs to be solved are: Project Based Learning is still difficult and with the teachers having to cut short class periods has resolved beyond the school limits. Even if the teaching reforming movement has just begun, the following results are still to be observed. According to the conclusion of this study,some suggestions for the education bureau, the individual school, different schools to change and renew. Also, the suggestions of recommendations for the continual research.


