  • 學位論文

獨身時代來臨: 成年後期自願穩定單身女性之存在樣貌

Solo Era: Existence of Voluntary Stable Single Female in Her Old Age

指導教授 : 李佩怡


本研究旨在探討成年後期自願穩定單身女性之存在樣貌,希冀藉由研究瞭解成年女性選擇自願穩定單身的心理歷程、自我照顧、晚年生活、生命意義、存在經驗。 本研究訪談兩位年齡55歲以上、性向認同是異性戀的自願穩定單身女性,選擇以質性取向的敘事研究來整理資料、撰寫故事、分析文本。研究結果如下: 一、成年後期女性選擇自願穩定單身的心理歷程是一形塑與實現自我價值的過程,在適婚年齡時,意識到傳統社會文化對已婚女性的角色期待與要求,為了保有獨立完整自我的初衷而選擇單身。 二、成年後期自願穩定單身女性在家族中的位置是彈性可變動的,以家族需求調整在家中扮演的角色,且依其自身與父母、手足的關係,影響自己對「家」的認同與歸屬。 三、成年後期自願穩定單身女性的親密與歸屬感的來源為家人、同性友人、寵物,與異性之間界限清楚。 四、成年後期自願穩定單身女性重視飲食與保健,並且必須維持財務與收入的穩定,在退休前做好完善的老年規畫與準備。 五、成年後期自願穩定單身女性以真實自我的需求安排生活型態,活出個人獨特本質的晚年。 六、成年後期自願穩定單身女性透過關懷他人、傳承自身經驗、回饋社會找到生命意義,了解死亡是生命的一部分、必經的人生旅途,以積極態度面對身後事與相關議題。 本研究針對上述研究結論進行綜合討論,根據研究過程與結論,於末章提出研究的限制、對未來研究的建議、以及研究者的反思。


The purpose of this research was to investigate the existence singlehood of the voluntary stable single female above fifty-five years old. The researcher intended to interpret the following categories of voluntary stable single female, mainly, her psychological process to stay single, self-care issues, plan for later life, life meaning, and existence experiences. A qualitative design was used from the fields of Narrative Research Methodology. Two voluntary stable single heterosexual female were invited as research participants based upon their willing to participate in this research and to share life experiences towards different life stages. The research procedure also included a pilot study to help the researcher comprehend and focus on related issues. In addition, two peers as co-reseachers were to aid the researcher indentify texts and life themes from reseach participants’ data. Research findings are as follows: (1) Female in her thirties who refuses to fit herself into the expected role in marriage chooses to stay singlehood as a voluntary stable single. She creates and realizes her own self-value for independency and freedom throughout her life. (2) Voluntary stable single female plays a flexible role in her original family, which influences her sense of belong when the relationship among family members is variant. (3) Voluntary stable single female feels intimacy and belong from family, same-gender friends, and pets. She keeps clear of the love affairs with the opposite-gender. (4) Voluntary stable single female maintains a balance diet and exercise to keep healthy, and achieves financial stability for a better living standard in later life. (5) Voluntary stable single female arranges her daily activities by her own nature, pursuing a positive life style in later life. (6) Voluntary stable single female seeks her life meaning by caring others, sharing experiences, accepting death with positive attitude in her old age. According to the discussion, the researcher brought up conclusions, limitation of this study, recommendations for future research in the last chapter.


畢恆達(1995):生活經驗研究的反省:詮釋學的觀點。本土心理學研究,4, 224-259。


