  • 學位論文


The Research on the Management Mechanism of Readers’ Suggestions in National Central Library and Public Libraries

指導教授 : 宋建成


圖書館學的研究,從過去著重探討館務行政或資訊資源等議題,逐漸以提升圖書館的服務水準與讀者滿意度,為主要的研究重點。在以讀者為重心的時代,圖書館的一切設施與資源,是以讀者立場以及為其提供適切的服務而建置。但是圖書館一再主動與積極的為讀者提供各項服務,難免有所疏漏或忽略讀者的需求,若能透過讀者將其意見主動反映,則更能讓圖書館深入瞭解讀者的真正需求、對圖書館的滿意程度與圖書館尚待改善之處。因此,圖書館對於讀者意見的蒐集與管理,儼然成為圖書館讀者服務中,重要且忽視不得的環節。 本研究先以內容分析法,蒐集國家圖書館2002至2004年為期3年的讀者意見書,以瞭解讀者投書的構成因素、讀者意見的主要內容與圖書館回應的情形。再透過問卷調查法與深度訪談法,以國家圖書館及國立、直轄市、縣市等公立公共圖書館為研究樣本,探討圖書館館員對讀者意見的看法與觀點、處理讀者意見書時所遭遇的困難或瓶頸、圖書館目前建置讀者意見管理機制的概況、圖書館對於讀者意見書的相關政策、配套應用與在處理流程與管理機制上的因應對策等。 本研究得到以下結論: 1.圖書館讀者服務(如:服務態度不佳等),是被投書頻率最高的項目;其次為圖書館內部人為因素(如:缺乏專業形象等)、外部人為因素(如:問題讀者等)與內部資源(如:資源設備與館藏種類或量的不足)等因素。 2.圖書館館員應以正面的態度面對讀者意見,同時勇於處理讀者意見書。而處理的過程中,亦應增進與讀者的溝通與互動。 3.經調查結果顯示,多數圖書館已經建置讀者意見書管理機制,同時也認為必須建置常設性專責小組、提供讀者多元化投書管道、召開讀者意見討論會議與進行意見書統計分析工作。 4.讀者意見書對圖書館具有正面作用與實質意義,圖書館實有建置讀者意見書管理機制的必要性,且必須謹慎的回覆讀者意見。我國亦應儘速制定抱怨處理的國家標準。 本研究提出以下建議: 1.對圖書館上級主管機關的建議: 制定抱怨處理相關標準、請重視讀者意見的管理機制、設置讀者意見書管理專責小組、強化讀者意見管理經驗的交流與分享。 2.對圖書館的建議: (1)從行政面:建置讀者意見書管理機制、建置處理標準作流程、建立提案制度、推行禮貌運動與進行自我服務評量、圖書館網頁設置「讀者意見」欄、編制相關工作手冊與白皮書、進行讀者滿意度調查。 (2)從教育面:規劃並辦理教育訓練課程、建置知識管理平台或系統。 (3)從經營面:加強圖書館行銷與推廣、加強館際合作業務與關係、善用人力資源發揮最大效益、建置相關考核評審制度。


The research of library science currently focuses on the promotion of library services and user satisfaction instead of library administeration or information resources. All the facilities and resources of libraries are developed for providing appropriate reader services. Library services can not be always satisfied by readers; therefore, it is importment for libraries to collect and manage readers’ suggestions. The research uses content analysis technique to collect readers’suggestions in National Central Library from 2002 to 2004 and try to understand the reasons, contents and responses from the library. The author also uses questionnaire investigation method and in-depth interviews to examine the points of view and problems from librarians, the situations of dealing with readers’suggestions and relatives policies from libraries based on the samples of National Central Library and other public libraries. The research concluded the followings: 1. The major reason of readers’ suggestions is reader services, secondary reason is inner resources of libraries. 2. Librarians should dispose of readers’ suggestions positively, and promote the communication and interdynamic with readers. 3. Most of the libraries have constructed the management mechanism of readers’ suggestion. It is also significant to establish the permenant unit for discussing and analyzing readers’ suggestions, and provide multiple ways for readers to convey their opinions. 4. Readers’ suggestions have the positive and essential meaning to libraries; libraries have to construct the management mechanism of readers’ suggestions. Furthermore, our country should make the national standard of readers’suggestions handling as quickly as possible. The research also provides the following suggestions: 1. to the chiefs of libraries: make the national standard of readers’suggestions handling , concern the management mechanism of readers’ suggestions, provide and support for libraries to setablish permanent unit of readers’ suggestions. 2. to libraries: (1)policy: construct the management mechanism of readers’ suggestions, plan standard operation process(SOP), construct suggestion program, administer politeness and self-evaluation, set up “readers’ suggestions” on the library’s Web, compile relative workbooks and white book, investigate users’satisfaction,etc. (2)education: plan and execute educational training and construct knowledge management platform system. (3)administration: promote library marketing, enforce the affair of inter library loan, and develop appraisal system for human resources.


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Walters, Suzanne (1994). “Customer Service: A How-to-do-it Manual for Librarians.” New York: Neal-Schuman Publishing.
