  • 學位論文


The Intervention of Interactive Parents’ Manual focusing on preventing Adolescent Drug Abuse

指導教授 : 劉潔心


本研究主要目的在探討「互動式藥物濫用預防家長手冊」介入計劃對家長預防子女藥物濫用知識、態度、技巧、自我效能的影響,並進一步瞭解家長對「互動式藥物濫用預防家長手冊」的評價。 本研究採準實驗設計之「實驗組控制組前測後測設計」,以立意取樣方式抽取台北市大理高中國中部七年級四個班級學生家長為研究對象,並以班級為單位,隨機分派兩班為實驗組,另兩班為對照組。實驗組家長接受二週的互動式藥物濫用預防家長手冊介入計劃,而對照組則未接受任何教育介入。研究工具分為兩種,包括前後測成效問卷及手冊過程評量問卷。經前後測資料比對後,扣除無效問卷,最後有效人數48人(實驗組24人,對照組24人),佔研究樣本數的44.03%。在實驗介入前,研究對象同時接受前測,後測在介入後一週進行。所取得的資料以卡方檢定、單因子共變數分析、配對t檢定等方法進行分析,所得的結果如下: 一、「互動式藥物濫用預防家長手冊」介入後, 在控制前測得分下,家長「預防子女藥物濫用知識」後測得分,兩組未達顯著差異。實驗組在「預防子女藥物濫用知識」上,前後測無顯著差異。 二、「互動式藥物濫用預防家長手冊」介入後,在控制前測得分下,家長「預防子女藥物濫用態度」後測得分,兩組未達顯著差異。實驗組在「預防子女藥物濫用態度」上,前後測無顯著差異。 三、互動式藥物濫用預防家長手冊」介入後,在控制前測得分下,針對「預防子女藥物藥物濫用技巧」方面,在「親子溝通」、「教導子女拒絕技巧」、「督導子女行為」等技巧上後測得分,兩組家長達顯著差異,且由調整後的後測平均值可知,實驗組皆高於對照組;在「親子衝突」技巧上,兩組家長未達顯著差異;在「家庭連結」技巧上,針對「家庭連結」前測分數大於24.17的家長,兩組家長後測得分達顯著差異,且實驗組後測分數會顯著高於對照組。另外,實驗組在「家庭連結」、「教導子女拒絕藥物濫用技巧」、「督導子女行為」等技巧上,前後測達顯著差異;在「親子衝突」、「親子溝通」等技巧上,前後測無顯著差異。 四、「互動式藥物濫用預防家長手冊」介入後,在控制前測得分下,家長「預防子女藥物濫用自我效能」後測得分,兩組達顯著差異,且調整後的後測平均值,實驗組高於對照組。實驗組在「預防子女藥物濫用自我效能」上,前後測達顯著差異。 五、互動式藥物濫用預防家長手冊評價方面,整體而言,有九成以上的家長認為該手冊能幫助他們更瞭解預防子女藥物濫用的知識,也能幫助其建立更正向的預防子女藥物濫用的態度。近八成的家長認為該手冊能幫助他們增強預防子女藥物濫用的技巧,也有近九成的家長表示更有把握去採行預防子女藥物濫用的行為。 整體而言,本手冊介入計劃在家長預防青少年藥物濫用上具有顯著效果,特別是家長預防子女藥物濫用技巧及自我效能方面。綜上可知,在發展教育媒體的過程中,若能以介入對象的教育需求為出發點,並結合理性行動論、社會認知論、社會發展論、溝通說服理論等多種健康行為科學理論,所設計出來的互動式藥物濫用預防家長手冊,不僅家長對該手冊表達正面評價,對於家長預防子女藥物濫用相關的親職技巧,更有顯著提昇的效果。所以未來推動家長預防青少年藥物濫用議題上,可嘗試運用互動式藥物濫用預防家長手冊為管道,使家長在家自行學習相關知能,以解決家長因時間關係無法參與親職活動的情形。


The purposes of this study is to determine the effectiveness of the intervention of Interactive Parents’ Manual focusing on preventing adolescent drug abuse, and to evaluate parents’ acceptance of the manual. The study employed quasi-experimental method- pretest-posttest control group study design. The parents of 7 th grade students in Taipei Municipal Dali High School were selected as the study subjects. The parents in the experimental group received an interactive parents’ manual focusing on preventing adolescent drug abuse for two-week program. On the contrary, the parents in the control group received no intervention. The instruments included pre/post questionnaires of effectiveness evaluation of the program and process evaluation questionnaires of the manual. There were 48 parents who finished the pre-test and the post-test questionnaires (24 parents for the experimental group and 24 parents for the control group). The data was collected before and one week after the intervention. The statistics methods included Chi-square test, one-way ANCOVA and Pared t test for paired observations. The major results were as follows: 1. After the intervention, the results showed no significant differences in preventive adolescent drug abuse knowledge, parental attitude toward preventive adolescent drug abuse between two groups. In the experimental group, the means in these two scales were not significantly different between pre/post tests. 2. After the intervention, the results showed significant differences in parent-child communication, the skills teaching refusal skills for children, parental supervision, and self-efficacy in preventive adolescent drug abuse between two groups. The means of experimental group in these estimative dependent variables were higher than those of control group. But, no significant differences in parent-child conflict. Furthermore, the results in the parents that their pre-test means in family bonding were above 24.17 showed significant differences and the post-test means of experimental group were significantly higher than those of control group. Moreover, in the experimental group, the means in family bonding, the skills teaching refusal skills for children, parental supervision, and self-efficacy in preventive adolescent drug abuse were significantly different between pre/post tests. 3. Above 90% of the parents thought that the manual was helpful to enhance their preventive adolescent drug abuse knowledge and parental attitude toward preventive adolescent drug abuse. Approximately 80% of them thought it helpful to enhance their parental skills in preventive adolescent drug abuse, and about 90% of them showed confidence to prevent children drug abuse. In conclusion, the effectiveness of this intervention in parental preventive adolescent drug abuse was evident, especially in parental skills and self- efficacy. During the process of developing educational media, we should examine the need assessment of the subjects and combine several theories (such as The Theory of Reasoned Action, Social Cognitive Theory, Social Development Theory, and Communication Persuasion Matrix) and the evaluation of the media would be positive. In the issue on parental preventive adolescent drug abuse, the researchers could develop the interactive manual for parents, and it would solve the situation that parents had no appropriate time to participate in parental activities and programs.


