  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 張鑑如


本研究旨在了解台北縣公私立幼稚園、托兒所大班幼兒之母親閱讀信念的現況,並探討不同社經地位大班幼兒母親閱讀信念的異同。本研究採用問卷調查法,先以比例抽樣的方式從台北縣立案之公私立幼稚園、托兒所名冊中抽取62間園所,再以隨機叢集取樣的方式,從62個園所隨機抽取一班大班,共發出1134份問卷,回收922份問卷,有效問卷共876份,回收率為85.59%。問卷內容分為閱讀認知、閱讀情意、閱讀行為三方面。本研究使用統計套裝軟體SPSS,以百分比、次數分配、卡方等統計方法進行分析考驗。研究的主要結果,分述如下: (一)閱讀認知:在研究結果中發現幾乎九成的大班幼兒母親皆認為學前階段是需要閱讀經驗的,有五成家長認為孩子應在兩歲前即開始學習閱讀,認為孩子在生活及書本中學習閱讀的概念,且認為孩子要求反覆閱讀能夠加深其印象,多數母親偏向閱讀技能取向,認為識字、教導注音符號對孩子是重要的。 (二)閱讀情意:大多數大班幼兒母親對孩子的閱讀行為大多為正向情感,在親子共讀時也很愉悅。 (三)閱讀行為:目前親子共讀活動已有多數大班幼兒母親在進行,共讀的時間也以三足歲之前就開始佔大多數。且在選取孩子的閱讀書類多以孩子喜歡、適合孩子等為由來作為考量,在陪伴孩子共讀時間上我們發現大多數母親介於為11-30分鐘之間。大多數大班幼兒母親會幫孩子佈置家中閱讀環境,其佈置亦會考慮到孩子的需求。 (四)社經地位差異:本研究發現社經地位不同之家長在閱讀認知和孩子共讀時確有不同。如:在孩子何時開始學習閱讀、多久陪孩子閱讀一次、幾歲開始進行共讀活動、是否會幫孩子佈置閱讀的環境、閱讀活動對母親與孩子的意義等問題在高、低社經中皆有顯著差異。 本研究發現在推行閱讀運動時了解不同社經家長閱讀信念的重要性及提供給家長、園所、政府及未來研究的建議。


This study aims to understand the reading belief in mothers of children studying at the kindergartens in Taipei County and to explore socio-economic differences in maternal reading belief. 1,134 questionnaires were distributed to the mothers whose children studying at 62 kindergartens in Taipei county. 876 valid questionnaires were returned and the return rate reached 85.59%. Besides the personal information about the mothers, three dimensions of questions were covered in the questionnaire, including reading cognition, reading affect, and reading behavior of the mothers. Descriptive and k-square statistics were used to analyze the questionnaires. Four main findings were evident in this study: 1. Reading cognition: This study found that about ninety percent of the mothers recognized the importance of children's reading experiences and fifty percent of the mothers thought that their children should start to learn reading before the age of 2, children could learn the concept of reading from life and books, and repeated reading was helpful for children. Most of the mothers were skill-oriented, stressing the importance of word recognition and instruction of Mandarin phonetic symbols (Zhu-yin Fu-hao) to young children. 2. Reading affect: the majority of the mothers showed positive affect in their children's reading behavior and in mother-child joint book reading. 3. Reading behavior: Most of the mothers reported that they had joint book reading with their children and they started to read to their children by age three. The books selected to read were the ones that interested the children and were age appropriate. Most of the mothers reported that they spent about 11-30 minutes reading with their children and they would create a reading environment for their children to meet their needs. 4. Socio-economic difference: Significant difference in maternal reading belief across social classes were evident in this study, including the age children learn to read, the frequency of joint book reading, the age when mothers began to read to their children, the behavior of creating a reading environment for children, the meaning of joint book reading to the mothers and children, etc. This study has important implications for promoting joint book reading activity to family from different socio-economic status. Suggestions for the future study and educational implications for parents and teachers of kindergarteners were provided.




