  • 學位論文


A Study on Development of Instructional Materials and Laboratory Equipment Based on CPLD for Industrial Vocational High Schools

指導教授 : 謝澄漢


本研究的目的是編寫高工職校電機電子群數位邏輯實習的單元教材,並且設計與製作配合單元教材的實習設備。 本研究首先探討教材分析與發展模式等相關文獻,作為本研究之理論基礎,其次,進行問卷調查,以了解我國高工電機電子群實施數位邏輯實習教學之情形;再根據問卷調查所得之資料,進行實習教材分析。依據研究者所提出之實習課程發展模式,編製以CPLD為主之數位邏輯實習教材大綱與範例教材,並製作適合高工職校電機電子群之數位邏輯實習設備。 根據本研究所得,適合於高工職校以CPLD為主之數位邏實習教材內容應包含邏輯實驗儀器的使用、繪圖輸入法與基本邏輯閘、組合邏輯、加�減法器、多工器、解多工器、編碼器、解編碼器、比較器、正反器與計數器、移位暫存器、VHDL語言認識使用與專題製作。 本研究根據實習教材單元所需的元件而設計了實習設備,包含CPLD模組、實習單元、I/O擴充界面與電源電路等項目。 在實習單元部份包含下列項目: 1. 2組8顆LED 2. 8×8點矩陣LED顯示器 3. 步進馬達驅動電路 4. 1組8Pin的指撥開關 5. 4個脈波按鍵 6. 4個共陽七段顯示器 7. 2組振盪電路(555振盪電路與晶體振盪電路) 8. 5個8Pin 的I/O擴充界面 以上實習單元幾乎已涵蓋數位邏輯實習教材常用的單元,也可以藉由I/O擴充界面來增加實習單元,因此足以提供學生完整的實習設備。


The purpose of this study is to devlop the teaching material of the digital logical practical units technical vocational high schools, and to design and make the pacticce equipment. The first step of this study was to make literature review about subject matter development, next to make a survey for understanding teaching status of digital logic practice in schools; finally to develop a model for developing digital logic subject matter. Using this model and the results of the survey, an outline and some sample units of digital logic practice subject matter based on CPLD and laboratory equipment were developed. According to the results of this study, the content should include the usuge of logical experiment equipments, graphic editor and logical gates, combinational logic, adder and subtractor, multiplexer, demultiplexer, encoder, decoder, comparator, flip-flop and counter, shift register, VHDL language and special project. The practice equipment developed in this study includes CPLD module, practice units, I/O expandable interface and power circuit. The units that can be practiced on the equipment include following items: 1. 16 × LED 2. 8 ×8 dot-matrix display 3. A driver of stepping motor 4. 1×8 pin data switch 5. 4×pulse keys 6. 4×7-segment display 7. 2×oscillating circuits (555 oscillating circuit and crystal oscillating circuit ) 8. 5×8 pin expandable interface The above practice units have already included digital logical practice material units. Practice units can be added into the equipment by using I/O expandable interface. Therefore the equipment is helpful to the students.




