  • 學位論文


A Comparative Study of Physical Activity and Exercising Social Psychology Condition of Asthmatic and Non-asthmatic Students

指導教授 : 賴香如


氣喘目前是學童最常見的慢性病,且有日趨嚴重之勢,它不僅困擾學生的生活與學習,亦可能影響其身體活動與運動社會心理狀況。因此本研究主要是探討國中一、二年級氣喘與非氣喘學生的身體活動與運動社會心理狀況的現況、差異。 本研究採橫斷式調查法,母群體為九十學年度台北縣某所國中一、二年級學生,以配對抽樣法取得氣喘和非氣喘學生,再利用自編之結構問卷與三日身體活動紀錄表為工具進行資料收集,得有效問卷分別為533份與390份。資料以百分比、平均值、t考驗、卡方檢定、單因子變異數分析、簡單羅吉斯回歸以及積差相關等方法進行分析。 本研究的重要發現如下: 一、最近一年曾發作之氣喘學生、最近一年未發作之氣喘學生以及非氣喘 學生運動性氣喘相關知識得分情形有顯著差異。 二、非氣喘學生之運動頻率與每週運動數均高於氣喘學生。 三、氣喘和非氣喘學生的身體活動量並無顯著差異。 四、無氣喘者知覺運動利益高於有氣喘且最近一年曾發作做過者。而氣喘 與非氣喘學生的運動自我效能、知覺運動障礙、運動社會支持與運動 角色模仿數族無顯著差異。 五、運動自我效能、知覺運動利益、運動社會支持、運動角色模仿數都與 體能活動量有顯著正相關,而知覺運動障礙得分則與體能活動量則呈 顯著負相關。 研究最後並對未來有關氣喘研究以及教育介入提出建議。


Asthma is the most common chronic disease during childhood and adolescence, which influences students’ daily life and study, probably including their physical activity. The object of this study was to compare the physical activity as well as exercising social psychology condition of asthmatic and non-asthmatic students. The method adopted was cross-sectional survey and the population was the first-grade and second-grade students of a junior high school in Taipei County during the school year 2001-02. By using a matched sampling method, 533 subjects were surveyed with structured questionnaires;382 provided their three-day physical activity record. Percentage, mean, t-test, Chi-square test, one-way ANOVA, logistic regression, and Pearson product-moment correlation were used to analyze the data. The main findings of this study were as follows: 1.The scores of exercise-induced asthma knowledge were significantly different among current asthmatic, ever asthmatic and non-asthmatic students. 2.The exercise frequency and exercise hours a week of non- asthmatic students were both significantly higher than asthmatic ones. 3.There was no significant difference in the quantity of physical activity between asthmatic and non-asthmatic students. 4.It demonstrated that non-asthmatic students had higher perceived benefit for exercise than current asthmatic, while their difference in exercising self-efficacy, perceived barrier for exercise, social support for exercise and exercising role modeling were not apparent. 5.It presented that quality of physical activity had positive relationship with exercising self-efficacy, perceived benefit for exercise, social support for exercise, and exercising role modeling. Conversely, it had negative relationship to perceived barrier for exercise. Based on the results, it has provided some suggestions to future study and intervention.


