  • 學位論文


The botanical inventory of Mt. Shihmen in Tao-yuen County and its application on the local environmental outdoor teaching activities.

指導教授 : 王震哲


本研究之目的為調查桃園縣石門山之維管束植物資源並應用在戶外 鄉土環境教學活動上,設計戶外教學的實例,以供教師實施戶外教學活動 的參考,並根據筆者的活動設計理念,建構活動設計的模式圖,可供教師 參考以增進課程設計的能力,並配合九年一貫課程的實施,幫助學校本位 課程的發展。 桃園縣石門山之維管束植物經調查後共有83科228種。植被類型主 要為常綠闊葉林及人造相思樹林,優勢物種為桑科植物的水同木、蕁麻科 植物的長梗紫麻及闊葉樓梯草、樟科的紅楠、筆筒樹等。本研究另外調查 六條步道兩旁沿線主要植物的分佈,及記錄一年當中各月份可觀察到的植 物開花結果之物候狀況。以上資源調查結果可供相關研究及戶外教學活動 設計者選擇教材資源的參考。 本研究之戶外鄉土環境教學活動經正式實施後,利用學習單的紀錄、 問卷調查及成果展等方式進行評量。根據評量結果得知已達鄉土環境教育 及認識植物的目標,學生最大的收穫則是認識植物生態方面。活動結果及 問卷調查也顯示石門山為適當的戶外教學地點,可供鄰近鄉鎮中小學進行 戶外教學活動。此次戶外教學實施主要的困難為學生的秩序掌控問題。筆 者認為以成果展配合教學觀摩的評量方式,不但可以經由多位教師共同的 評量,使評量更客觀、更全面,更可提供學生後續學習的機會,亦給與教 師們教學上的觀摩與成長機會,是值得採用的評量方式。 本研究建議鄰近鄉鎮中小學教師在本研究之基礎上多加利用並多設 計以增加學生的感官活動與自然體驗經驗為主的活動,以達更好的教學成 效,或於步道旁設置生態解說牌或出版簡易且方便攜帶的石門山生態解說 手冊供民眾自導式學習,以助民眾對此地的生態認識,進而讓環境保育的 觀念更加普及化。


The study aimed to investigate the vascular plant in Mt. Shihmen in Tao-yuen County and apply the result of inventory to the local environmental out-door teaching activities. The applied example was designed to provide references for the school teachers in implementing out-door teaching activities. The study also built the framework of designing out-door teaching activities according to the researcher’s conceptual design, and the framework could provide references for the school teachers to enhance their abilities in curriculum design and could also help them to develop the school-based curriculum as implementing the 1-9 curriculum program in Taiwan. Based on the investigation, there were 228 species, belonging 83 families of vascular plants recorded in Mt. Shihmen in Tao-yuen County. The forest was mainly formed by the broad-leaf plants and cultivated Acacia confusa Merr. The dominant plants were Ficus fistulosa Reinw. ex Blume (Moraceae), Oreocnide pedunculata (Shirai) Masamune and Elatostema latyphylloides Shih & Yang(Urticaceae), phaeropteris lepifera (Hook.) Tryon(Cyatheaceae), Machilus thunbergii Sieb. & Zucc.(Lauraceae). The research also investigated distribution of those main plants along six trails and recorded their phenology. It was expected that the result of the investigation can provide references for the correlative study and for choosing the teaching resource by out-door teaching designers. After implementing the local environmental out-door teaching activities, the study tried to evaluate the efficiency by three ways: writing learning manual, questionnaire survey and the result performance. According to the result of assessment, the goals of local environmental education and the projection of plant learning had been reached and the largest harvest of students was to understand the ecology better. So that Mt. Shihmen was a nice place for out-door teaching. The study also mentioned that the main obstacle in implementing out-door teaching activities was how to keep students in order, and that result performance with teaching demonstration was worth taking in evaluating the effect of students’learning. Finally, the study provided some suggestions for the school teachers about that to reach the best learning efficiency, teachers would better take the out-door teaching method and design those activities to provide students more experiences of direct sense contacts and natural awareness. And the study also suggested to improve the environment facilities in Mt. Shihmen like setting the direction guiding boards and the ecology explain boards to help people to know the ecology in Mt. Shihmen and the correct concept about environment conservation.






