  • 學位論文


The relationship among fathers' psychosocial development attributes, fathering perceptions and father involvement

指導教授 : 黃迺毓


摘 要 本研究以Erikson的心理社會發展理論為基礎,再參考Dolahite等的傳承創新父育理論之架構,編製四套適用我國成人父親之心理社會發展量表、父育知覺量表、父職參與量表及配偶支持父職參與程度量表;並探討四量表間及四量表與時間變項間的相關性,最後再驗證本研究所建構之父育理論架構與心理社會發展特質、時間變項及配偶支持父職參與程度間的組型關係。 四量表之編製過程乃是先以理論概念編題、選題,並經專家之內容效度審核以及二次預試之試題項目分析及信度考驗等分析程序,逐一修正後才確定正式量表內容。正式施測採問卷調查法,以國立空中大學學生名冊為母體清冊,分層隨機抽樣,獲取1381份有效問卷。研究結果經描述性統計分析、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、典型相關等統計法加以分析,並歸納主要研究發現為如下數點: 一、 本研究編製之心理社會發展量表、父育知覺量表及父職參與量表,雖均由數個不同層面之因素所組成,但最後均能獲得一個測量整體概念的有效分數。研究結果支持心理社會發展量表、父育知覺量表、父職參與量表及配偶支持父職參與程度量表具信效度之研究假設;亦即,本研究發展之四量表具適用性與實用性。 二、 本研究根據傳承創新父育理論架構所建構的父育理論測量工具-父育知覺量表及父職參與量表,與心理社會發展量表及其第七層面之「傳承創新」發展特質間,皆具有顯著正相關。驗證了本研究之父育理論架構與心理社會發展理論間的正向連結關係。 三、 本研究之父育理論架構是以親職應符合子女發展需求為要的理念建構而成;父育知覺量表可以有效評量父親對子女成長需求的重視程度,父職參與量表可以有效評量父親具體參與父職的程度;由父育知覺量表及父職參與量表所建構而成的父育理論架構可以作為篩選稱職父親及評估父(親)職教育方案實施成效之有效評量依據。 四、 本研究以典型相關分析出父親之不同層面心理社會發展特質與父育知覺各層面特質及父職參與各層面特質間的組型關係,研究結果可提供家庭教育專業人員在輔導個案父親時先對父職參與行為背後可能的心理社會發展特質及父育知覺特質之組型關係有初步了解,進而再針對其特質加以輔導。 關鍵詞:父育理論、父育知覺、父職參與、心理社會發展


Abstract The purposes of this study were (1) to build a framework of generative fathering theory in Taiwan and to construct four tests regarding fathering perception, father involvement, Eriksonian psychosocial attributes and spouse’ fathering support . (2) to testify the validation of above four tests. (3) to explore the relationships among fathering perception, father involvement, Eriksonian psychosocial attributes, spouse’ fathering support and time variables. A total of 1,381 fathers, randomly selected through students of National Open University in Taiwan, responded to a set of instruments including the Fathering Perception Scale, the Father Involvement Scale, the Eriksonian Psychosocial Attributes Scale and the Spouse’ Fathering Support Scale. The statistical methods used to analyze the data were descriptive statistics, ANOVA, Pearson Product-moment Correlation and Canonical Correlation. The main findings of this study were summarized as follows: 1. In summary, through serial procedure (Ex. item analysis, test-retest method, factor analysis, ANOVA etc.), the reliability and validity of the Fathering Perception Scale, the Father Involvement Scale, the Eriksonian Psychosocial Attributes Scale and the Spouse’ Fathering Support Scale were satisfactory. 2. There were significant correlations between the Fathering Perception Scale, the Father Involvement Scale, the Eriksonian Psychosocial Attributes Scale, the Spouse’ Fathering Support Scale and time variables. 3. All the findings revealed that the generative fathering framework constructed in this study could be related with generative attributes and psychosocial development theory. 4.. There were significant canonical correlations among the Fathering Perception Scale, the Father Involvement Scale, the Eriksonian Psychosocial Attributes Scale, the Spouse’ Fathering Support Scale and time variables. According to the results, some suggestions were proposed for parents, family educator and future research.


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