  • 學位論文


Junior High School Students’ Knowledge and Preference toward Hakka-Festive-Rice-FoodsJunior High School Students’ Knowledge and Preference toward Hakka-Festive-Rice-Foods

指導教授 : 孫瑜華 博士


本研究旨在了解國中學生對於客家節慶米食認識及喜好之情形 ,並探討喜好之相關因素,以及客家節慶米食認識情形對喜好度之影響力,並分析國中學生對客家節慶米食之認識及喜好度是否因不同性別、年級、家中節慶米食之來源、節慶米食製作經驗、家中祭拜的習慣、家庭型態、父母是否為客籍、家長教育程度、家長職業等因素而有所差異。本研究採用問卷調查法,研究工具為「客家節慶米食之知識及喜好度量表」,問卷內容包括 「客家節慶米食喜好度量表」、「客家節慶米食知識調查表」及「個人基本資料調查表」三部分;其中「客家節慶米食知識調查表」包括「使用節慶」、「使用目的與象徵意義」及「食材製作特色」三部分。本研究以苗栗縣建國國中與照南國中為母群體,採分層隨機抽樣,發放問卷1852份,回收有效問卷為1819份。在分析方法上,以次數分配及百分比來描述樣本狀況;利用t檢定、MANOVA及ANOVA檢定人口統計變項與知識及喜好度間的差異;最後利用多元迴歸分析知識對喜好度之影響力。本研究結果顯示國中學生的客家節慶米食之知識現況,以「食材製作特色」得分最高;大多數的國中學生對客家米 齊 粑及客家菜頭粄的喜好度較高,而對客家鹹粄及客家粄粽的喜好度最低;國中學生對客家節慶米食之喜好原因由高到低依序為口味、外觀、節慶應景及食用頻率;家中節慶米食來源不同、節慶米食製作經驗不同、家中祭拜習慣不同、父母是否為客籍、父母親職業不同的受試者,對客家節慶米食的認識與喜好度均有顯著差異。而不同年級、家庭型態不同的受試者,對客家節慶米食的認識也有顯著差異;大多數的國中學生認為是否喜好客家節慶米食與其對客家節慶米食認識無顯著相關。本研究提供家庭、學校及相關單位推廣客家節慶米食之參考,以及設計客家節慶米食課程之依據。


國中生 客家節慶米食 喜好


Junior High School Students’ Knowledge and Preference toward Hakka-Festive-Rice-Foods Abstract Hakka-traditional-rice-culture is fading away. Hence, there is a desperate need for researchers to investigate how much students know about the traditional foods and how students like the traditional foods. The primary purposes of this research are to (a) investigate students’ knowledge toward Hakka-festive-rice-foods,(b) to explore students’ preference toward Hakka-festive-rice-foods and why students like them, (c) to examine the relationships among students’ food knowledge and food preference,(d)to analyze the differences in the impact on the food knowledge and food preference by sex, grade level ,resource of Hakka-festive-rice-foods, food-making experience of Hakka-festive-rice-foods, worship habit, family style, race of Hakka, parents’ education level, parents’ career. This research adopted survey method. The students had to fill out “ Survey Questionnaire on Food Knowledge”, “ Survey Questionnaire on Food Preference” and “Personal Information.” This research adopted stratified random sampling. This research adopted stratified random sampling. The sampling frame of this research was the students in JianGuo and JauNan Junior High School. 1852questionnaires were handed out, 1852 questionnaires were returned. Of the 1852 questionnaires returned, 1819were appropriate for analysis, resulting in a valid return rate of 95.2%. Statistical techniques including descriptive statistics, Cronbach’s alpha, MANOVA, ANOVA,t-test and regression analysis were used to analyze the data and test the hypotheses. The results of this research showed the following facts. (a) Junior High School Students know most about “the Characteristics of Food ”of the Hakka-festive-rice-foods Hakka-festive-rice-foods knowledge. (b)Most students prefer “Glutinous Rice Balls” and “ Hakka Radish Cake.” (c) Junior High Students like Hakka-festive-rice-foods because of flavor, external appearance, festival, food eating frequency. (d)”Food preference toward Hakka-festive-rice-foods” is not related to” food knowledge toward Hakka-festive-rice-foods”. (e)Food resource, food-making experience, worship habit, race of Hakka, parents’ career are related to the food knowledge and food preference. Besides, grade level and family style are found related to food knowledge .The findings of this research can provide useful insight to parents, school and government. KEYWORDS. Hakka festive rice foods, food knowledge, food preference


