  • 學位論文


The Effects of Urban Green Space on Human Health: Taipei Case Study

指導教授 : 楊重信


世界衛生組織(WHO)指出未來全世界將有超過一半以上之人口居住在都市中,又隨著經濟與社會之高度發展,都市面臨人口成長與開發壓力,都市不斷擴張對土地之利用更加迫切,在此情勢下,不斷之建設與開發,將加重都市熱島效應(urban heating island effect),進而帶來嚴重之污染問題。都市污染可分為水汙染、空氣汙染及噪音汙染等三大汙染源,其對人類健康之影響包括:傳染病、呼吸性疾病、壓力及心理健康等。都市綠地除具有調節氣候、水文、生態、景觀、過濾空氣與水質等之功能外,對都市民眾健康之增進亦扮演非常重要之角色;一個都市若能增加綠地面積且做合理之空間配置,將可增進民眾健康並提升生活品質。因此,本研究以「都市綠地對民眾健康影響」為主題,實證都市綠地對民眾健康之影響。本研究發現,大部分民眾都認為綠地以及整體環境,會影響到自身之健康狀況,特別是肥胖指數、健康狀況、健康滿意度等生理健康變項影響最為顯著;其次,本研究也發現,住家附近之綠地愈多、且使用綠地愈頻繁之民眾,其所感覺到之健康水準愈高。


The World Health Organization (WHO) pointed out that more than half of the world's population will be living in cities in the future. As the socio-economic development proceeds, the pressures resulting from population growth and development in cities throughout the world are inevitable. Most cities will expand continuously and will be densely packed. And the urban heating island effect will become more conspicuously, making the urban pollution including water pollution, air pollution and noise pollution worsen. The environment related diseases such as infectious diseases, parasite diseases, respiratory diseases, stresses and mental diseases are hence seriously threaten city residences. Urban green space not only provides functions including: regulating micro-climate and hydrology, enhancing ecological services, landscaping, cleaning the air , and filtrating water , etc., but also plays an important role on human health. Increase urban green area and allocate it properly can greatly improve public health and quality of life. The purpose of this research is to empirically test the effects of urban green space on human health in Taipei city. It is found that most people believe that green space and the overall environment affect their health condition. The obesity index, health status, health satisfaction, and physical health indicators are the variables which have significant effects on human health. It is also found that the public who have more green space surrounding their houses and they use green space frequently, will feel have better health condition.


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