  • 學位論文


A Study of Corporate Social Responsibility:Taking Chunghwa Telecom Mobile Phone Base Stations as an Example

指導教授 : 翁興利


在國內電信自由化之後,基地台電磁波議題漸浮現於台上,使得民眾抗議事件層出不窮。作為電信產業的一員,中華電信「應負起社會責任」這句話更充滿了社會大眾對中華電信的期待與要求,因此,在企業永續經營的理念下,企業社會責任的概念簡單說便是要對所有利害關係人負責。 本研究主要探討中華電信在面對基地台所產生的種種問題,如何在企業社會責任的潮流下,結合自身電信專業能力善盡社會責任。為達研究目的,本研究在研究問題上分別探討個案中華電信於基地台企業社會責任實踐動機,採取之途徑與方式,核心能力之結合以及社會責任績效等。 本研究採文獻分析法、個案研究法、深度訪談法等方法,針對基地台電磁波以較深入、單一的角度研析個案中華電信在基地台社會責任上的真實面貌。 本研究之研究發現分別為:一、由上而下傳達社會責任理念,輔以員工認同,可使社會責任徹底貫徹;二、利害關係人的溝通、辨識與回應,是實踐社會責任的基礎;三、中華電信運用其專業能力於電磁波議題上,有效降低民眾對電磁波的反感;四、民眾與中華電信在溝通處理上呈現相當程度的差異。 根據研究發現,本研究對個案中華電信提出以下建議: (一)成立專職基地台溝通窗口 (二)制定回饋制度 (三)結合電信能力進行多元化電磁波宣傳 (四)建立長期質化評估指標 (五)制定基地台補償原則


After the Liberalization of Telecommunications in Taiwan, the electromagnetic radiation issues gradually emerged in the table, making public protest that the event emerges in an endless stream. As a member of the telecommunications industry, Chunghwa Telecom" should bear social responsibility", that is also filled with community expectations and requirements of Chunghwa Telecom, therefore, under the principle of business continuity, the concept of corporate social responsibility is simply to be responsible for all interested parties. This study focus on how Chunghwa Telecom face the electromagnetic radiation problems that combined with their ability to fulfill social responsibility in the tide of corporate social responsibility. To achieve the purpose of research, this study were to explore the issues of the case study of Chunghwa Telecom base motives of corporate social responsibility, the ways and means they take, the combination of core competencies, and social responsibility performance and so on. This study used literature analysis, case study method, in-depth interviews and other methods for electromagnetic radiation to more depth, single point of analyzing the case of Chunghwa Telecom real situation of social responsibility in the electromagnetic radiation issues. The thesis finds that: First, A top-down to convey the concept of social responsibility, combined with a sense of identity, can fully carry out social responsibility; Second, the communication between stakeholders, identify and response is the basis for the practice of social responsibility; Third, Chunghwa Telecom use its expertise on issues of electromagnetic waves, electromagnetic waves effectively reduce the public's resentment; Four, people deal with Chunghwa Telecom in the communication presents a considerable extent on differences. Based on the findings, the case study of Chunghwa Telecom made the following recommendations: (一) the establishment of full-time base station communication window (二) the development of feedback systems (三) combined with the Telecommunication ability to diversify the telecommunications wave publicity (四) the establishment of long-term qualitative evaluation indicators (五) to establish the principle of compensation in base station


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