  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 方文昌


在日益相互關聯的世界,獨行已不再是一個可行的商業模式。事實上,市場上的競爭已經演變為網絡對網絡的競爭。 事業網絡中每一個成員的命運,最終依賴於健康的網絡。企業要求存,需要利用資訊來形塑決策與調整策略,特別是在動盪的商業生態體系中。每個商業生態體系的成員,對體系的角色貢獻都不是恆久不變的,當然也包括他們的資訊行為。本研究目的在探討利基廠商如何根據他知覺的商業生態體系策略來決定其資訊分享行為。 在品牌商業生態體系中,利基廠商高度依賴品牌主,因此對品牌主商業生態體系策略的認知,例如主宰策略或基石策略,對於資訊分享是非常重要的。由於利基廠商必須要對品牌主揭露相關訊息,其對品牌主的商業生態體系策略的認知在其中扮演重要角色,包括必須做到什麼程度的資訊揭露度,這攸關利基者是否在商業生態體系中能否存活。利用商業生態體系這樣的新觀點,本研究同時探討了華人關係(guanxi)、權力依賴、組織間信任與利基者認知策略與資訊分享的關係。 本研究是透過國際品牌公司Interbrands調查每年台灣國際品牌二十大的資料,彙整2003-3009年間得獎廠商共26家作為品牌商業生態體系的母體,並透過中華徵信所公布2009年台灣5000大企業為樣本,用隨機抽樣方式,選取500個樣本企業,並透過電話排除與26家品牌企業無關之樣本後,依同樣方式抽樣、確認直到補足500家樣本為止。透過這樣抽樣的安排以確認利基廠商係與品牌主之關係,以反映資訊分享與台灣國際品牌生態體系之特性。研究收集了利基者認知之商業生態體系策略、資訊分享、組織間信任,權力依賴和華人關係等資料。總供回收162份有效問卷進行後續分析。本研究並應用部分最小平方軟體Visual PLS 1.04和SPSS 10.7進行效度、信度、交叉負荷量與項目分析。結構方程模式則利用Visual PLS 1.04驗證商業生態體系策略與資訊分享之關係,權力依賴與華人關係之調節效果以及組織間信任的中介效果。研究另分別針對華人關係與權力依賴對組織間信任中介的商業生態體系策略與資訊分享之關係的調節影響進行分析。 研究結果顯示利基者認知品牌主採行之商業生態體系策略越傾向基石策略時,會正向影響資訊分享。同時這種關係會受到組織間信任的中介,以及權力依賴與華人關係的調節。利基者的資訊分享應該配適於知覺的品牌主之商業生態體系策略。同時華人關係是重要的中介關係調節變數,利基廠商應該良好華人關係品質藉以建立組織間信任以利對所參與商業生態體系的變動進行資訊分享等策略預應行動之調整。


In our increasing interconnected world, standing alone is no longer a viable business model. Indeed, the new arena of competition is network vs. network. Every member’s fate is ultimately tied to the health of the network. Firms want survival need to use the information to shape their decision and craft their strategy in the dynamic business ecosystem. Every member‘s role in the ecosystem are not permanent, as well as information behavior. This paper is aimed at discuss the way of information behavior nicher firms should do, according to their perception of leaders’ business ecosystem strategy. In a brand-based business ecosystem, nicher firms highly rely on brand owner’s business ecosystem, therefore the perception of brand owner’s business ecosystem strategy, such as dominator strategy or keystone strategy, is very important in the proactive information sharing. As nicher firms need disclosure their information with brand owner, the perception of brand owner’s business ecosystem strategy play an important role, and disclosure to what extent really matter nicher firms’ survival in a business ecosystem. Using a new concept in business ecosystem, this study examines the relationship between variables such as guanxi, power dependence, inter-organizational trust, keystone strategy. A survey was administrated to measure the fit between nicher firms’ perception of business ecosystem strategy and their information sharing by using 26 Taiwanese global brand companies from Interbrand’s Best Global Brands study from 2003-2009, followed by using random sampling to select 500 samples from Taiwan top 5000 companies ranking by China Credit Infromation Service company on 2009, each sample telephoned to confirm the relationship with brand owner, to reflect the role and characteristics of nichers among Taiwanese branded business ecosystem. Data on keystone strategy, information sharing, inter-organizational trust, power dependence and guanxi were collected. There are 162 valid questionnaires use to proceed analysis. Visual PLS 1.04 and SPSS 10.7 were used to analyze the validity of study, including Cronbach’s alpha, cross factor loading and items analysis. Structural equation modeling was conducted by Visual PLS 1.04 to verify the relationships between keystone strategy and information sharing, and the moderating effect of guanxi and power dependence, the mediating effect of inter-organizational trust. The study also examined the moderating effect, caused by guanxi and power dependence, when the inter-organizational trust as a mediator. The result indicated that keystone strategy have positive impact on information sharing. And this relationship was mediated with inter-organizational trust and moderated by power dependence and guanxi. Nicher firms should fit their information sharing with their perception of brand owner’s business ecosystem strategy. The study result also revealed guanxi are mediated moderator. Nicher firms need to develop guanxi with quality to build inter-organizational trust in order to become proactive in responding to and taking part in changes that are happening in their participated business ecosystems.


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